Tea dried can be used to prevent vegetable pests

"Drinking tea into the fish pond poisoned the fish. Can it be used to control vegetable pests?" asked a farmer's friend recently.

Tea withered, also called tea bran, tea seed cake, is the slag cake of tea seed oil after oil extraction. The active ingredient is saponin, a plant-origin pesticide. Tea dried cake and tea litter have good stomach poison and contact effect on pests, and can be widely used on vegetables, rice, fruit trees, tea, flowers and other crops to prevent snails, snails, grasshoppers, rice planthoppers, and rice leafhoppers. , sweet potato, small elephant and other pests. No pollution, no residue, durable storage, long-term efficacy, but saponin is toxic to fish, do not pollute fish ponds and other waters. There are the following applications for vegetable production.

Prevent snails. With 3 to 4 kilograms of dry tea crushed, add water, soak for 8 hours, take the filtrate plus 50 to 75 kg of water spray.

Mixed with fertilizer as a base fertilizer, and treat underground pests. Such as the prevention and treatment of small elephant aphid, raccoon, centipede, etc., with tea dry 15 to 20 kg / acre, flour, add water dip 7 days, plus grass ash 50 kg / acre, mix well, in the vegetable before sowing or planting base fertilizer application.

Prevention of pepper and other crops. It is ground directly with tea dried cake and used as base fertilizer before sowing.

Control vegetable land snails and clams. The tea dried cake was crushed, wrapped in double gauze, and added in warm water according to the ratio of tea dry and water 1:4, soaked for half an hour, and rubbed to obtain tea withered juice. After the snails and clams climbed and attached to the leaves, they were diluted 500-1000 times with the stock solution and sprayed on a sunny or cloudy afternoon. Only apply drugs 2 times in the season of snails and clams.

It can be used as an auxiliary synergist for pesticides. The addition of tea dry leachate to pesticides can enhance the adhesion of pesticides on crops and pests and insects, thereby improving the control effect. The method is: add 250 to 300 grams of tea leaching filtrate per 50 kilograms of liquid medicine, and mix thoroughly before spraying. Tea dry leachate is generally not suitable for mixing with acidic pesticides. However, the addition of tea withered in quick-acting, systemic pesticides can increase drug killing effects. Attention must be mixed now, not long home.

In addition, the spraying of plants with tea dried leachate provided good control of aphids and spider mites. When the vegetable is growing seedlings, it is unfavorable to the emergence of the seed and can be killed by the dry tea.

Classification of testing reagents on the market:

1. Nucleic acid detection reagents((2019-nCoV) Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit) are medical reagents, with high accuracy and high price. The throat takes liquid samples for testing. It takes 2 hours to produce the results. It requires professional equipment. The professionalism is high. The compliance rate is 97%. Degrees of preservation, dry ice transportation! Suitable for hospitals, government agencies!

2. Antibody Detection Reagents(COVID-19 IgM/IgGAntibody Detection Kit) are civilian detection reagents that need instrumental assistance. The accuracy is average. The blood test can produce results in 15-30 minutes. It is fast and simple, and the price is low (about 8.5 US dollars). It is shipped at room temperature! Suitable for civilian use

3. Colloidal gold,test kits(Colloidal Gold COVID-19 IgM/IgG Detection Kit), civil reagents, blood tests, pregnancy test papers, no instruments required, fast results in 5 minutes, a few minutes, 8 US dollars each! Normal temperature transportation.

Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit

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Guangzhou Zhongzhinan Supply Chain Co.,Ltd. , https://www.gzzhongzhinan.com