High-efficient feeding technology of black bone chicken

Silkies are unique medicinal rare birds in China. Its small size, adult chicken body weight 1.0 ~ 1.3kg; egg production rate is low, the average annual production of 100 to 130 eggs. Strong on the nest; afraid of cold, cold, poor cold, poor disease resistance; like a quiet environment, easy to be frightened, feeding and management is difficult. In order to improve its feeding level, the main points of feeding and management are introduced as follows.
1 Preparation before brooding
1.1 Prepare chicken houses, feeding utensils, heat preservation equipment, feed, medicines, etc. according to the scale of feeding. 1 The chicken house should be high in dryness, well-ventilated, with adequate water supply, convenient transportation, sufficient electricity, and easy cleaning and disinfection. 2 Prepare food troughs and sinks based on the age of the chicks. It is advisable to purchase a self-flowing feed bucket and a plastic tower vacuum drinker. 3 Insulation equipment can be adapted to local conditions, using fire, underground fire, warm umbrella, infrared light, etc., and to prepare dry, clean sawdust, straw and other litter.
1.2 Houses and utensils are disinfected and thoroughly cleaned the ground, walls, and ceiling of the house for one week before the chicks are cleaned, and then the floor and feeding utensils are washed. After drying, the inner surface was sprayed with 2% caustic soda and fumigated with potassium permanganate and formalin at a dose of 40 mL of formalin and 20 g of potassium permanganate per cubic meter of space. Close the doors and windows before fumigation and fumigate for more than 24 hours. Feeding utensils can also be immersed in 3% of Suer or 2% potassium permanganate solution or 0.3% of peracetic acid for 1 to 2 hours. 1 day before hatching, the litter should be laid, the water tray feed trough should be set up, the heating equipment should be well opened, the temperature of the chicken house should be raised to 32-35°C, check the lighting line is normal, and the distribution is reasonable, check the heating Pipeline leaks.
2 Chicken rearing management
2.1 Brood temperature The temperature of the incubation center in the first week should reach 34-33°C and room temperature should be around 27°C. From the 2nd week, the temperature was lowered by 2°C per week, and after the 5th week, the room temperature was maintained at 24-22°C.
2.2 Humidity The relative humidity of broodstock can be maintained at 55% to 60%. The litter should be changed frequently and kept dry. Especially during the rainy season.
2.3 Stocking density 1 to 2 weeks old 80/m2, 3 to 4 weeks old 30/m2, 6 to 8 weeks old 20/m2, 9 to 13 weeks old 15/m2, 13 weeks old After 10/m2. Brooding room should not be too large, generally 15 to 30 square meters, in order to facilitate insulation and room temperature adjustment. The size of the flock ranges from 500 to 800. While maintaining the room temperature, pay attention to ventilation and keep the indoor air fresh.
Silkies can be raised on the ground, raised on the net, or raised in cages. The rearing density of breeder chickens is relatively smaller than that of commercial chickens. In particular, local black bone chickens fly in small bodies and should be raised in height, sometimes with protective nets.
2.4 Light In order to ensure that chicks can eat and drink water day and night, usually use 24 hours light. One 40W bulb should be installed within 15m2 from the ground at a height of 2m, and changed to a 25W bulb after 2 weeks of age. With infrared brooding, additional light may not be added, but with lights.
2.5 Drinking Water and Feeding The chicks can begin feeding the chicks 24 hours after hatching. Drink water before feeding, and add 0.01% potassium permanganate to the first 3 days of drinking water. After transporting the chicks, add 8% sugar water. When just starting to eat, the feed is first placed in a shallow pan and crushed with crushed rice, corn grits or broken granules. From the second day onwards, the feed is full-fed (preferably crushed granules). ), less fed a lot of meals, feed 5 to 6 times a day, eat 80% full. After 30 days of age, use a drum or feed tank to avoid wasting feed. After the chicks have started eating, they should provide clean drinking water throughout the day, without interruption. The eating trays and drinking utensils used by the chicks should be cleaned daily and regularly disinfected once a week.
Silkies are small in size and eat less. They need to be fed with high-quality specially-prepared chicks. The metabolic energy must reach 12 to 13 MJ/kg, the rent protein content must reach 19% to 21%, and the crude fiber content should not exceed 5%. Chicks require vitamin supplements, minerals, and disease prevention medications. Feeds can be purchased for chicks produced by large-scale professional feed companies, and can also be prepared on their own. Reference formula (%): 11 to 4 weeks old, corn meal 58, wheat 4, wheat bran 2.2, soybean cake 27, fish meal 6, bone meal 1, shell powder 1, salt 0.3, additives (including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, promote Auxin and disease-resistant drugs, etc.) 0.5; 25 to 8 weeks old, corn flour 56, wheat 8, wheat bran 6, soybean cake 22, fish meal 5, bone meal 1, shell powder 1.2, table salt 0.3, additive 0.5.
The chicken feed should be fresh and regularly fed with fine sand. Add 100 grams of chicken chicks to 50 grams of “chicken type” fine grains every 3 days, and distribute finely chopped green fodder according to 596 to 10% of the amount of feed fed. .
2.6 Epidemic prevention 1 Cut off the route of disease transmission. The production and living areas of the Silkie Farm must be strictly separated, and the production area should decline and reduce the visits of outsiders. The production site shall be equipped with a disinfection room and a disinfection pool. The personnel and vehicles shall be disinfected. The staff shall change the overalls. The dirt and chicken waste shall be promptly removed. The bedding shall be replaced regularly to keep the chicken house dry and sanitary, with good ventilation and fresh air. Regular rodent control eliminates the spread of disease. The ground of the chicken house should be sterilized 1 to 2 times a week with 3% sodium hydroxide or 3% to 5% of Lysine. Choose a disinfectant that is harmless to the growth and development of chickens, such as benzalkonium, peracetic acid, sodium hypochlorite, and 100% Poisoning and other regular chicken spray disinfection in the chicken house. The disinfectant should be used for rotation and replaced every 2 to 3 weeks. Pay attention to water hygiene and water supply disinfection to prevent the introduction of water into the E disease. 2 regular immunization. Develop a scientific immunization program for regular immunization of chickens. See Table 1.
Table 1 Immunization procedures for black bone chickens
1 Marek's disease chicken HVT vaccine subcutaneous injection
7~10 Newcastle disease (one-off) Eye drop or nasal drop of NDII or IV attenuated seedlings
18~21 Infectious bursal disease (a waiver) IBD attenuated vaccine drinking or spotting
28 to 30 Newcastle disease (second exemption) NDII or IV attenuated seedlings, nasal spray, spray or drinking water
35~38 Infectious bursal disease (second immunity) IBD attenuated vaccine drinking water
50 chicken pox (a free) chicken pox vaccine wing needle
60 Newcastle disease (three exemptions)
90 Chicken Pox (Second Exemption) Chicken Pox Vaccine Wing Needle
120 Newcastle disease Bursa of bursal disease Newcastle disease
3 Feeding management of bred broilers The chicken house temperature is maintained at 15-22°C and the humidity is maintained at 55%-60% at this stage. Should be divided according to the public and the mother to strengthen management.
Breeding black-bone ducks are best kept online. The metal net can be placed at a height of 40 to 50 cm from the ground, and it can also be constructed by bamboo wood. The troughs and troughs are placed on the side of the fence and aisles are left around the fences for feeding and removing the excrement. The house is divided into small columns of 4 to 6 square meters per square, and 60 to 100 silky chickens are kept in each bar.
The crude protein content of feeds fed at this stage is about 15%, the metabolic energy is kept at 11.3 to 12.0 MJ/kg, the calcium is 1.4%, the phosphorus is 0.6% to 0.8%, and the feed replacement has a transitional stage. Regular supplements of fine grains and multivitamins. Keep drinking water clean.
The species of black-boned chicken should be arranged according to the growth of the flock and the amount of feeding to ensure that the black-bone chicken standard weight and high egg production rate. Regularly sample and weigh to understand the growth and development of black-bone chickens. From the age of 8 weeks, 5% of the entire population was weighed every 2 weeks. The homogeneity of the breeder population should reach more than 80%, and the specific feeding amount should be adjusted according to the body weight standard.
Feed requires comprehensive nutrition, fresh raw materials, reference formula (%): 19 to 13 weeks of age, corn powder 58, wheat 6, wheat bran 9, soybean cake 18, fish meal 5, bone meal 1.2, shell powder 2, salt 0.3, additive 0.5; 214 to 20 weeks old, corn flour 59, wheat 6, wheat bran 10, bean cake 12, fish meal 5, bone meal 1.7, shell powder 1.5, grass powder 4, salt 0.3, additive 0.5.
(4) Silky chickens for raising meat of the black-bone chickens in the pre-laying period are generally sold at 120-150 days and weighing 0.8-1.2 kg. The reserved chickens should be transferred to the egg-laying house at the age of 120 days and arranged at a density of 8-12 square meters per square meter. 1 rooster with 12 hens. The crude protein content in the feed is 13.5%, and the metabolizable energy is about 10.3 MJ/kg. Reference formula (%): corn flour 65, wheat 6, wheat bran 7, soybean cake 9, fish meal 4, bone meal 2, shell powder 1.2, grass powder 5, table salt 0.3, additive 0.5. Appropriately control the amount of feed, and feed all the materials that should be fed in the morning and evening. The feeding should be uniform to ensure uninterrupted cleaning of drinking water. Daily light control is 11 hours.
5 The dietary nutrition level of black-bone chickens during the laying period of laying black-bone chickens should be increased accordingly. The crude protein content in the diet is 16% to 18%, the metabolic energy is 11.3 to 12.3 MJ/kg, and the calcium is 2%. ~ 3.5%, phosphorus 0.5% ~ 0.6%, while feeding VD, in order to increase the utilization of calcium and phosphorus. The room temperature is best controlled at 15 ~ 25 °C, supplemented with light every day to 14 to 16 hours. Ensure that clean drinking water is not queried, regular supplements are provided to clean sand, and vitamins and minerals are added to the feed at any time. Farmers can use the green feed to feed and feed 5% to 8% of the diet. Flat-raised black bone chicken should be equipped with enough nest boxes. Clean and sterilize the water tank and feed tank at any time to remove chicken litter and ensure environmental sanitation and ventilation. Egg collection, registration, and observation of laying hens on time, and problems occurred in time. For stunted, slow-producing black-boned chickens, microelements were fed concentratively and each chicken was fed 0.15g per day; 5UVE was added per kilogram of feed. For chickens that have atrophy of the chicken's crown after the peak of egg production, adding trace elements, multi-vitamins, and green feed, etc., can prompt them to restore eggs early. When sick chickens are eliminated at any time and the feed intake of chickens is found to be declining, it is necessary to find out the causes and take countermeasures.
Formulation of black bone chicken during laying period (%): 1 Initial production period: corn flour 50, wheat 10, wheat bran 10, soybean cake 13, fish meal 45, bone meal 2.2, shell powder 2, grass powder 6, salt 0.3, additives 0.5;2 Rich production period: corn flour 51, wheat 6, wheat bran 10, bean cake 15, fish meal 6, bone meal 2.2, shell powder 3, grass powder 6, salt 0.3, additive 0.5; 3 late egg production: corn meal 52, wheat 7, wheat bran 10, bean cake 14, fish meal 5, bone meal 2.2, shell powder 3, grass powder 6, salt 0.3, additive 0.5.

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