Sticky corn high-yielding cultivation techniques

Sticky corn belongs to special-purpose corn, which has the characteristics of high technical content and high economic value compared with common corn. Its main cultivation techniques are:

First, choose the site preparation.

1. Select a land with flat terrain and irrigation conditions above medium irrigation.

2. Isolation: In order to maintain viscous corn seed quality, prevent pollen self-induction, reduce viscosity and affect appearance, it must be isolated from other types of corn. General space isolation can not be less than 300 meters, barrier isolation can not be less than 150 meters; time isolation is a difference of 30 days between sowing and other corn.

Second, rational fertilization and irrigation

1. Mu Shi quality farmyard fertilizer 2000 kg.

2. Combined with a one-time deep application of the site preparation of diammonium phosphate 30 kg, potassium sulfate 10 kg, zinc sulfate 1.5 kg, depth 10 ~ 15 cm, mixed with soil after sowing, to prevent the seedlings from affecting emergence.

3. Top-dressing: Because viscous corn is a fresh food, early and early top-dressing irrigation is extremely important for winning high quality and high yields. The first topdressing was carried out at 7 to 9 leaves, and 15 kg of urea was applied. The second time, 30 kg of urea was recovered during the jointing of the plants.

4. Fill the water in a timely manner during the filling period.

Third, fine sowing, ensure that the whole seedlings

1. The amount of mu for 2 kg, with "jack" activator soaked germination, germination suitable temperature 25 °C until the seeds exposed white live.

2. The most suitable sowing date is from April 25 to May 5. The 5 cm soil temperature can be sown at 8°C, with 3,500 to 3,600 holes and 2 to 3 grains per hole. Because the viscous corn kernels are not full, the starch and other nutrients are less, the germination potential is weaker, and the young shoots have poorer top soil ability, and the emergence rate is far lower than that of ordinary corn. Sowing should not be too deep, appropriate shallow sowing, shallow cover soil, generally cover about 2 to 4 cm can be.

3. Stage sowing, listed in batches. In order to meet the market demand, to prevent overdue harvest, quality decline, the decline in price impact on economic income, so take the staged seeding in batches. Live broadcast can be staged from April 25 to June 10, every 5 to 7 days broadcast, generally the first two due to low temperatures, the wrong time can be extended to some appropriate. The temperature during the maturation period sown in June was relatively low, and the corn filling rate was slow. The two periods could be appropriately shorter. For the morning market can be used to cover the plastic film, paper tube nursery, plastic tray seedling transplanting method. Can be planted 7 to 10 days in advance, transplanted at the time of 3 leaves and one heart, and the principle of staggered frost period after emergence or planting should be adopted. If the use of greenhouse nursery, and then transplanted into a plastic greenhouse, can be planted at the beginning of April, early sticky corn varieties can also be mixed with wheat, cabbage, 10-15 days before the harvest of wheat seedlings.

IV. Farming Management

1. Herbicide with 50% acetochlor EC 75 ~ 100 ml / mu, mu spray volume of at least 30 kg, before spraying seedlings sprayed. The corn can also be used in the next time when the water can be added to indomethacin, the amount of 1 kg.

2. Guarantee seedlings seedlings, Miao Qi, Miao uniform, Miao Zhuang. The early stage of the three-leaf seedlings, leaving 1 per hole, after the Dingzuo per acre topdressing urea 5 to 10 kg, spraying a drug to control aphids, armyworm; horses and other 40% of the use of Chloroprotective emulsion 1500 times.

3. Sticky corn has the tendency to occur in childbirth, and it is found that the scorpion should be removed, the sooner the better, or consume oxygen, affecting the commercial quality of the spike and ear. In case of abnormal years, more than one ear is easy to appear. It is best to leave only one or two spikes above. It is best to sell Qingsui with 1 spike above, and 6-8 leaves for the best position to promote large and full-grown seeds.

4. Jointing mu 30 kg fertilization, in order to prevent "card neck drought" to ensure water supply, when the relative water holding capacity in the field is less than 70%, it is necessary to fill 1 to 2 times of water.

5. The control of corn borer is particularly important for fresh corn than for grain corn. Because the worms and panicles completely lost their commodity value, grain corn only produced a reduction in production. Control and cure with 3% carbofuran granules or 2.5% zinc sulphate granules.

In the case of spicate buds, artificial pollination can be performed.

V. timely harvest

Green corn sticky and sticky at the end of milk ripening, good quality, best palatability, the best harvest period. Pay attention to the early morning harvest before the listing, so as to avoid mud and bad appearance.

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