New Techniques for High Yield Cultivation of Cherry Radish

Cherry radish is a new type of vegetable which also belongs to the genus Raphanus. It belongs to radish of cruciferous family. It is a group of radish of all seasons. Its fleshy root is round, 2~3cm in diameter, meat white, root bark red, single root weight 15~20g, Plant height 20 ~ 25cm, short growth period, usually about 30 days, with strong adaptability. Cherry radish is not only fresh and delicious, but also has high nutritional value: it contains various mineral elements, trace elements and vitamins, amylases, glucose, oxidase, adenosine, glucosidase, choline, mustard oil, essence, etc. Multiple ingredients. According to the determination, every 100g edible portion has 94.5% moisture content, contains protein 1.2g, fat 0.1g, carbohydrate 3.6g, crude fiber 0.7g, calcium 30mg, phosphorus 31mg, potassium 322mg, iron 1mg, zinc 0.02mg, vitamins, etc. . Cherry radishes are crisp, sweet and sweet, spicy radish is lighter, suitable for eating, promote gastrointestinal motility, increase appetite, help digestion and so on.
1. Cultivation mouth arrangement. Cherry radish is a four-season vegetable, which can be cultivated on land and protected in cultivation. The specific rinsing arrangement is: (1) Spring cultivation: Generally, seeds are sown in mid-and late March to mid-May. (2) Summer cultivation: The seeds are sown in mid-May and late-August. During the high temperature period, it should be planted in a cool place, or shaded with high-growth crops, or covered with shade nets and cold yarns to cool the shade. (3), autumn cultivation: generally sowing in early September to late September. (4) Winter cultivation: This season cultivation adopts protective cultivation. The time is from the beginning of October to the middle of the next year in March. It needs to be covered with plastic or covered shed.
2. Cultivation techniques. (1) Land preparation. Cherry radish is not strict with the soil requirements. It is better to use sandy loam with deep soil, fertile soil, strong water retention capacity, good drainage and loose air permeability. To achieve deep plowing, squeezing and smoothing, the cherry radish under this condition is well-shaped, clean and beautiful in appearance, and of good quality.
Due to the short growing period of cherry radish, the type and quantity of fertilizer are not strictly required. Generally, the application of basal fertilizer during soil preparation can meet the fertilizer demand during the growing season. In general, 45,000 to 60,000 kg per hectare were cooked, and 75 to 90 kg of superphosphate was applied as a seed fertilizer.
(2) sowing. Generally, the seedlings are sowed in the form of a small flat hoe. The pods are 1m wide, spaced 10~12cm apart, 3~4cm in plant spacing, and 1.5~2cm sowing depth. 1.5 to 2 kg per hectare for seeding, 17 to 25 kg for seeding. When sowing should pay attention to soil moisture and temperature, if the soil is dry, should be watered before sowing, the appropriate temperature for seed germination is 20 ~ 25 °C, if the temperature is too high or too low, it should be promptly shaded or covered.
(3) Dingling seedlings. Cherry radishes are too densely planted and lack of light, resulting in long petiole and pale leaves. The lower leaves yellow off and the fleshy roots are not easy to expand. Should be in the cotyledon development time seedlings, there are 3 to 4 true leaves when Dingmiao. To eliminate the dense and weak seedlings, disease strains, plant spacing of 3 ~ 4cm, to ensure good growth of cherry radish, fruit type upright.
3. Field management.
(1) Temperature management. Cherry radishes are neither cold nor heat-resistant. The temperature before sowing is maintained at 20 to 25°C after emergence, and the temperature is controlled at 18 to 20°C after emergence.
(2) fertilizer and water management. During the growth of cherry radish, special attention should be paid to keeping the soil in the field moist, not too dry or too wet, and watering should be balanced. The soil moisture content should be 70% to 80% of the field water capacity. If the soil moisture is insufficient, not only the fleshy roots are thin, but also the increase of fibrous roots, roughness of the skin, spicy taste, hollowness, etc., affect their yield and quality. Too much water or dry and damp, can easily cause cracking of the fleshy root. If the seedlings grow poorly and there are symptoms of fertilizer deficiency, a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer may be applied with water.
(3) Weeding and weeding. As the cherry radish plants are smaller, we should promptly carry out cultivating and weeding to keep the topsoil loose, prevent soil compaction, increase the permeability of the topsoil, promote the absorption of nutrients by the root system, and facilitate the enlargement of the fleshy roots. Especially in the autumn, when the seedlings are in the high temperature and rainy season, the hybrids grow vigorously, and we should strengthen the cultivating and weeding.
(4) Pest control. Cherry radish has strong cold resistance, but it is not heat-resistant. When the ambient temperature exceeds 25°C, poor growth is exhibited, and plants are prone to pests and diseases, mainly soft rot and melasma. The control of soft rot can be sprayed with 65% zeocin zinc WP 500 times solution; black spot can be sprayed with 50% chlorothalonil wettable powder on water 500 times spray control against aphids and leaf miners 1.5% dimethoate Powder; 25% trichlorfon powder available for control of cyanine.
(5) Harvest. The growth period of cherry radish is generally about 30 days. When the flesh root is beautiful and bright, and the diameter reaches 2cm, it can be harvested. Different cultivation seasons and cultivation methods have different specific harvesting times. Therefore, we must make timely gains. If the harvest is too early, it will affect the production; if it is too late, it will lead to an increase in fiber, and it will easily produce crooked hearts, cracked roots, etc., affecting its quality and commercial value.
(6) Production of seeds. From the cherry radish cultivated in the winter and spring protected areas, the plants with good appearance and good color are selected as seed strains, and the seed collection is strictly separated. The collected seeds are subjected to trial planting. If the products are of good quality and good quality, the small plants can be used in the early spring of the second year. Seed mining method to increase the amount of seeds.

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