Red Pomelo Pomelo Shaping

(1) Selection and shaping techniques of red meat honey pomelo tree shape According to the biological characteristics of red meat pomelo, it is generally more appropriate to use the main branch happy round head shape or natural happy shape.
1 main branch happy round head shape. The main method for shaping a happy round head shape is:
In the first year, 35 cm of seedlings that had not been nursed by the nursery after cutting was cut. After the shoots are taken, more than 25 centimeters from the trunk of the ground (appropriate changes in the height of the setting) can be selected as the main shoots of the new shoots with strong growth, uniform distribution and a certain spacing. With the exception of a few as supplementary branches, all were erased. At the same time, according to the situation, the mainstay can be used to support the main branch and make it into a proper angle with the main trunk. When the main branch grows at 35 cm, it can be picked up to promote branching.
In the second year, before the spring shoots sprouted, some of the thin and weak branches were properly cut off from the main branch, and one strong shoot was selected as the main branch extension branch at the tip of the main branch. If the main branch is relatively long and has lateral branches, leave the first minor branch at 30 to 35 centimeters from the trunk. After the main branch if strong summer and autumn shoots occur, continue to select the main branch extension branch and the second and third main branch, and leave 30 to 35 cm topping. At the same time, pay attention to the cultivation of lateral branches on the main branches and sub-branches, as a result of the branches; the side branches should be shorter, can stay more, but should avoid mutual shielding.
In the third year, continue to develop the main branch extension branch and the reserve and deputy main branch, and configure the side branches so that the canopy can be expanded as soon as possible. The main branch should maintain straight growth to maintain its strong growth. On each main branch, there are 2 to 3 deputy main branches left, spaced 30 to 35 cm apart and staggered in direction. On the main branch and the sub-main branch, continue to configure the side branch to make it the result.
In addition to the results of the 2 to 3 years after the planned planting of the close planting garden, the buds are usually removed within 1 to 2 years after the planting. After 3rd and 4th years, appropriate results can be obtained on the auxiliary branches of the interior and the lower part of the canopy, and the buds on the main branch and the sub main branch can be removed to maintain their strong growth and expand the canopy. During the sapling reshaping, the strong branch shoots and leggy shoots that are endogenous and upright in the center of the tree crown should be promptly removed, or tossed and twisted, to inhibit their growth and prevent the formation of a powerful branch.
Although red pomelo pomelo branches drooped more, the shoots had self-shearing properties. With dense foliage, it is easy to form a natural round-headed tree with numerous main stems and disorder. The main branch happy round head conforms to the natural characteristics of the tree body. The pruning is easy, the pruning amount is light, the main branch, the sub main branch, and the lateral branch are distributed in an orderly manner, and the interior of the crown is not closed, and the three-dimensional result can be achieved. Therefore, when the crown can be shaped, it is necessary to balance the distribution of the branches, the angles are reasonable, and the subordinates are distinct. It should be noted that the central branches must not be too strong or too dense, so that the main branches and the lateral branches of the sub main branch can be adequate. Sunlight promotes three-dimensional results.
2 naturally happy. Natural heart-shaped plastic technique points are basically similar to the main branch happy round head shape, but heavier pruning of endogenous branches and upright branches on the back of the crown (early topping, short shearing or deletion in summer), and the center of the canopy is only configured with moderate amount of middle Branchlets group.
The natural happy shape in the shaping process to maintain the balance between the growth potential of the main branches. If the difference is too large, tie the strong main branch and open it to weaken its growth potential. Weak branches should be erected to enhance growth. In addition, the main branch should be inclined at an angle upwards, and side branches can be arranged around the main branch. If the main branch angle is too large, vigorous twigs are liable to occur on the back. If improper handling occurs, the primary and secondary branches are not separated, and the branches inside the canopy are crowded, it is difficult to form a natural happy shape, and the back and back buds are not easy to germinate. The shoots are also weak. Therefore, natural happy shape in the shaping process, we must pay attention to the following questions: the main branch should not be too much, generally 3 is appropriate, up to no more than 4; main branch, sub-branch, lateral branch and the result of the respective groups Between the main branch and the side branch, the longer the stay, the longer the stay on the upper side, and the shorter the stay on the upper side, so that the main branch, the secondary main branch, and the lateral branch each have a triangular distribution. The main branch should keep straight and grow, and the new shoots that draw inwards should be picked up in time, cut or deleted in time, and can only be cultivated into small and medium-sized branches to ensure the formation of a happy shape; avoid indwelling growth and form a powerful branch. Crowding the center of the tree crown destroys the formation of a happy heart. Naturally happy to form the annual crown within 5 meters, tree height control within 3.0 to 4.0 meters is ideal.
The shaping of the young tree of red-fruited pomelo is for the purpose of cultivating an evenly distributed skeleton and forming a canopy crown with sufficient foliage and good illumination. The shaping of young trees, whether it is the main branch of happy round head shape or natural happy shape, must pay attention to the following issues.
1 trunk height. Dwarfing is the trend of fruit tree cultivation. The main trunk is relatively short, and the young tree can form the crown as soon as possible and enter the result period earlier. The trunk of red meat pomelo usually stays 25 to 35 centimeters. However, red meat and pomelo are sometimes not obvious in the trunk and they should be handled flexibly according to the actual situation.
The number of 2 main branches. There are many main saplings and the crown can be formed quickly. The result is early. However, there are too many main stems in adulthood, and the main and subfractions are separated, and the nutrients are scattered. It is easy to cause the trunk to be thin and slender, the upper and outer branches of the canopy are dense, and the lower and inner parts are empty. How much of the main branch number should be retained should be determined based on growth potential, shaping method, and orchard characteristics. Generally, the main branch has three to five happy domes and three to four natural happy ones. When the main branch is selected and retained, the distribution should be balanced to avoid overlapping and maintain a certain distance between the main branches.
3 Main branch angles. The main branching angle refers to the angle between the main branch and the main extension branch. The angle is too small, prone to prolonged growth, resulting in leggy, resulting in late, the result of sagging due to the influence of the fruit weight, resulting in the branches broken; the main branch angle of implantation is too large, the branches are prone to sagging, rapid growth weakness.
The main branch has a happy round head shape, and the main branch has an angle of 400 to 500. Later, with the development of the tree crown, the increase of the tree age, the increase of branches and leaves of the main branch, the angle will gradually increase to 500-600. Sub-branch angle of 600 to 700 is appropriate.
Naturally happy-shaped, a main branch of the upper 100 ~ 300 (with the level of 600 ~ 800), the lower branch of the two main branch angle of 200 ~ 300. The sub-branch angle of about 700 is appropriate. Can be used to pull, hanging and other measures to increase the branching angle, and slow vegetative growth and promote flower bud differentiation. When the natural open-branch main branch has an excessive branching angle, due to the apical dominance of the shoot growth and the characteristics of phototaxis growth, it is easy to shoot out strong and strong branches in the middle of the canopy to disturb the tree shape and destroy the crown structure; at the same time, the strong light in the canopy is direct. , easy to cause fruit, branches sunburn.
The number of 4 leaves. During the reshaping process, the method of topping or short-cutting should be adopted to retain as much leaves as possible and increase the number of green leaves to increase the area of ​​photosynthesis and promote the early formation of the crown.
(2) Pruning of red meat honey pomelo 1 Trimming of the young tree. Saplings often use the characteristics of abdominal buds and apical buds to control the shoots to promote the shoots of young trees and cultivate a large number of resulting shoots. The method of wiping shoots is:
When the shoots reach 2 to 3 centimeters in summer and autumn, they are wiped off by hand and “go to stay early to stay less,” every 3 to 4 days. In a certain period of time, the more young shoots will be germinated, the more the last shoots will have 3 to 4 new shoots after 15 to 20 days. At this point, the shoots can be stopped and the shoots can grow. It's called tipping. In order to make the shoots neat, the buds must be thoroughly wiped out the day before the shoot is thrown, and the short shoots that germinate soon must be erased. In addition, for the high part of the people should be wiped 1 or 2 times or 4 to 7 days late, let the new shoots of the site grow longer, after several shoot period adjustment, and gradually balance the crown. Under normal circumstances, each spring, summer and autumn shoots 3 times, in summer and early mid-June put shoots, put on autumn shoots in mid-August, after planting the 3rd and 4th year results.
For trees that prepare results for the next year, pay attention to the amount of autumn shoots and summer shoots. The number and quality of autumn shoot growth are related to summer shoots. The summer shoots were put down too late, the number of germinations was numerous and short and weak, and the number of autumn shoots also decreased. The amount of summer shoots is moderate and robust, and the number of autumn shoots increases. Generally, 40% to 50% of spring shoots can shoot at summer shoots, and 70% to 80% of autumn shoots can shoot at autumn shoots. The tipping must be closely coordinated with the fertilization. The organic fertilizer should be applied 20-30 days before the tipping period, so that part of the buds can be wiped in the first half of the month before the tipping, and then the nitrogen fertilizer can be applied immediately before the tipping. The new shoots are germinating and dense; the shoots should be fertilized according to the strength of the new shoots, especially the shoot shoots of autumn shoots should not be excessive, otherwise they will trigger late autumn shoots or winter shoots. It is best to have cool, rainy showers during the period of dewatering. The soil moisture should be sufficient. Such as arid hot should avoid tipping, focus on the prevention of leaf miner. When the summer and autumn shoots grow to 5 to 6 cm, such as branches too dense, it is necessary to timely sparse, leaving 2 to 3 per base tip (fall shoots can stay more). There are too many shoots, and the shoots are weak; the shoots are too few and the shoots tend to be long. The length of autumn shoots of red meat pomelo is preferably 20-30 cm. Winter shoots should be erased.
2 result tree pruning. The result of the tree pruning varies depending on the age, the outcome, and the pruning period. Winter cuts are carried out after fruit picking and before budding. Generally, pruning can be started after fruit picking, and mid-high altitude areas should be performed before spring sprouting. The winter shear is mainly used to cut dry branches, branches and branches of diseases, weak branches, cross branches, declining branches and resulting mother branches, etc., to adjust the nutrition of the tree, and to control the proportion of shoots. Some branches are also properly retracted and pruned to promote As a result, the mother branches are numerous and strong, ensuring high yields for consecutive years.
In the initial result period, it is necessary to ensure that the crown develops well, resulting in a rapid increase in the number of mother trees and prevention of fruit drop. To ensure that the crown of the initial result tree continues to develop well, continue to select the extension branch of the main branch and the sub-main branch, ensure that the growth is straight and upward, and properly remove the fruit on it to speed up the formation of the crown. The extension branches of the transverse branches growing obliquely also minimize the result and extend the crown around. Cut off the inner hail and the top of the dense summer and autumn shoots, the base to take 1 to 2 leaves for the spring shoots of the results of the mother shoots, the remainder cut off. The branches around the crown are selected to leave the summer and autumn shoots. Each shoot has 1 to 2 summer and autumn shoots that grow diagonally to accelerate the canopy formation. The inside and the lower branches of the canopy are kept as far as possible to allow the flower to bloom, and the mother branches with a depth of 30 to 40 cm below the ground are cut off to reduce the infection of anthrax on fruits near the ground.
Short spring shoots (15 cm in length) and eradication of summer shoots are effective measures to prevent fruit drop, increase effective fruiting and reduce pests and diseases.
The adult result tree is a three-dimensional result of the tree crown. The main branch happy round head-shaped canopy needs to keep the canopy wavy. There is a “skylight” and the trees are kept at an appropriate distance. The branches that protrude from the middle of the crown should be cut off to prevent shading from causing the lower branches to die. The upper and lower branches must not overlap each other, and the interior of the canopy has good light transmission. Naturally happy-to-shape canopies should pay attention to the toppings, short cuts or deletions of the formidable branches inside the crown; when the top of the canopy is too strong and dense, the strong branches or the appropriate deletions are cut off to maintain the tree shape.
The branches of the lower canopy should be cut properly when they intersect with adjacent trees. The leggy branches that need to be used should be timely picked up or bent, and they need not be removed in time. If the result of fruit picking after the branch is slender, weak, yellow leaves or no leaves, can be removed from the base of the resulting branches; if the result is weak, the mother can be removed from the base of the result. Within the canopy, dead branches, slender weak branches, diseased branches and leggy branches should be cut off. The result of the pruning of the tree was mainly debrided, combined with short cuts, retraction, removal of cross-branches, over-closed branches, and retraction of long branches.
Both stems and fruits consume assimilation substances, and it is estimated that the assimilation of citrus branches, stems, and roots consumed from 5 to 30 years is 3 to 10 times the fruit consumption. The area of ​​young and young leaves grows rapidly and the yield is high; when it enters a certain age, the leaf area will stop increasing, while the branches will gradually increase, the number of branches will increase, and the transport distance of nutrients will increase. The number of assimilation materials in stems has increased year by year, while that in fruits has decreased year by year, and shoot growth has turned to decline. If the plants are crowded with each other and the canopy is closed, there will be fewer new shoots, and the internal and lower canopies of the canopy will die, accelerating the decline, and the fruit yield will decrease rapidly. Therefore, the proportion of red pomelo and grapefruit branches should not be too large, and the branches should be updated in time. Each year, a part of the weaker branches should be trimmed to reduce the transport distance of nutrients, reduce unnecessary consumption, and improve light, so that light penetrates into the inside and the lower part of the crown, adding new foliage, and rejuvenating the tree.
Winter cuts are carried out after picking fruit until the spring shoots sprout, depending on the local climate. Weed out the redundant main branch, sub main branch and side branch from the base, and weed out 1 to 2 each year. Retreat the top of the crown at the top of the canopy and the axillary branch or branch of the cross between the rows. Keep the height of the tree below 3.5 meters and there is more than 20 cm between the rows. Cut out the strong standing branch and the long branches, and the dense branches that affect the light and the weak branches below the branches. Branches with branch diameters of 1 to 2.5 cm are retracted in different ages, and stubs of 5 to 15 cm are collected for stubble branches or weakened branch groups for short cuts. Pendulous branches are retracted before horse-branch sticks or branches and bald. Leave a short cut of 5 to 10 centimeters, and the number of prunings per year is 25% to 30% of the total number of branches.
Summer cuts are generally performed in late May. Delete overly dense, redundant main branch, sub main branch and branch group, retract inconsistent, cover each other long branch, cross branch. Eliminate summer shoots and control the growth of autumn shoots.
3 aging tree rejuvenation pruning. Aging trees are weak, with little or part of the shoots dry, and they should be rejuvenated in time to increase production and extend economic life. Take main branch updates, explicit updates, or rotation updates as appropriate. The management of the canopy after renovation is the key to success or failure. Sun protection, sparse buds, fertilizer and water management and pest control should be done.

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