High-quality grape nutrients

Grapes have entered the lives of millions of households, and the grapes are full of treasures

Its nutritional content is not negligible, and the most important ingredient of the anti-aging drug once was grape seed, which shows that the grape has anti-aging effects.

According to the determination, the grape berry contains about 15% to 30% sugars (mainly glucose, fructose and pentose sugars), various organic acids (malic acid, tartaric acid, and a small amount of citric acid, succinic acid, gallic acid) Acids, oxalic acid, salicylic acid, etc.) and minerals, as well as various vitamins, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, etc. . In particular, modern medicine found that grape skin and grape seed contain an antioxidant substance resveratrol, which has a positive preventive and therapeutic effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Eating more grapes, drinking grape juice, and drinking wine in moderation are good for human health.

During the period of the Song Dynasty, a medical book “Alternative Materia Medica” written in the Song Dynasty described the role of the grapes as “the main bones and bones, warming the spleen, strengthening the energy, and strengthening the strength of the times, making people fat, resistant to hunger and cold, and eating for a long time. , Can be used for wine, urinating by water.

The most valuable is the natural polymeric phenols (especially grape seed) which are contained in the grape varieties and have anti-virus and anti-tumor effects.

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