High-yielding Cultivation Techniques for Xiangmi 900 Muskmelon

1 Introduction

Xiangmi 900 melon is a thin-skinned melon. It was produced by the scientific staff of Nanma Town, Wuyuan County, Shandong Province, and was bred from American apple melon. The melon reached a weight of 900g at the time of nuclear production in 2004, and therefore it is tentatively named Xiangmi 900.

Xiangmi 900 melon fragrance aroma attractive, sugar content is more than 2 times the ordinary melon (20% ~ 26%).

Xiangmi 900 melon has a growing period of 90 to 100 days. It has strong growth, strong resistance, and strong resistance to diseases. China's melon production area can be planted for an anniversary. The weight of a single melon is about 600g, which is as high as 900g. Generally, the yield per mu is 4000kg, and the high yield is over 6000kg. Melon type is nearly round, white and green melon flesh, crispy flesh, full flavours and sweet as honey; the melon skin thin and tough, not easy to crack melon, Guadi is not easy to fall off, stored at room temperature for 20 days without falling down; harvesting period Up to 6 weeks.

2 Bifurcations and melons habits

The first to grow was the main vine, and the vines that came out of the main vine were the vines, and the vines were once again vines. On the main vine, the female flower is poor, the female flower on the sun vine is the earliest, and the melon is large and grows fast. Therefore, the cultivation method often adopts a topping method to promote the vine vine or the vine.

Xiangmi 900 melons have strong branching. If they are not pruned, they will only form long beaks and not long melons. When the main vines 4 to 5 leaves topping, promote side vines. Usually stay in the side vines 10 to 14 to stay in melons, after the melon, remove the upper freshman vine. After choosing to stay in the melon, leave 10 to 12 leaves to pick up at the stay melon section. For the Sun Man who stays in the melon section, leave 1 to 2 leaves to pick it up, so that Sun Man does not extend it. After the main vine has picked its heart, if side vines are removed from the base, it will reduce nutrient consumption and facilitate ventilation.

3 Cultivation points

3.1 The selection of ground honey 900 melon bogey weight. You can pick up wheat, corn, and sorghum in front of you, and avoid beets, cabbage, rapeseed, sunflower, and soybean meal. Xiangmi 900 melon enjoys deep soil layer, rich organic matter, and good airy sandy loam or mountain soil. Before the planting, it is necessary to deeply plow the land, fine-grained, leveled and ridged.

3.2 Planting seasons and seasonal arrangements Xiangmi 900 melon is warm, hi light, large temperature difference between day and night, but not wet, intolerant of low temperature. According to the practice of cultivation in recent years, cultivation can be arranged according to fall winter and winter and spring.

3.2.1 The sow-seeding season for autumn and winter is from early June to early August and the harvest period is mid-to-late October. The breeding period of this cockroach is on the occasion of the summer, and it is prone to the transmission of virus diseases caused by the white plague and aphids. Therefore, during the nursery period, shade, cooling, and flood control should be managed to control the occurrence of viral diseases.

3.2.2 Sowing season for winter and spring is from late December to early January. The harvest period is from late April to early May. This time the temperature is high, the light is sufficient, the temperature difference between day and night is large, easy to obtain high yield and high quality.

3.3 Fertilizer and watering: 5000kg farmyard fertilizer per mu, 2000kg chicken manure and superphosphate 100kg as base fertilizer. After planting the seedlings, they are required to chase the fertilizer 1 time after harvesting the melon, and 50 to 75 kg of cake fertilizer is cooked per square meter, and 20 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer are used. Foliage spray fertilizer was applied during fruit enlargement, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed for 2 to 3 times. Xiangmi 900 is not tolerant to moisture. It is better to control the water supply to control the watering of the seedling stage. Before flowering, water should be poured to extend the vine to promote the growth of stems and leaves. Before and after the combination of melons, the top dressings are filled with water.

3.4 seed treatment before sowing, soaking with 50% carbendazim WP 500 to 600 times for 15 minutes, remove and wash and then soak in warm water at 30 °C for 3 to 4 hours; remove, dry, pending broadcast . Seeds 0.2-0.3kg per mu. Plant spacing is 50 ~ 70cm.

3.5 Pruning Methods Pruning is performed at noon on a sunny day. Morning dew and rainy days are not pruned, otherwise wounds are not healed and susceptible to disease. The following method should be used. Ziman pruning method: When the plant grows to 5 leaves, it is centered, retains 4 leaves, and after 4 days, 4 vines are drawn from the leaves and vines. If a piece of vines 1 to 2 do not sit melons, the vines can be accompanied by 1 or 2 leaves to be smashed. This method is generally no longer pruning after sitting on the melon, if the branches grow too long, you can leave the leaves before the melon section to carry four tips. Single vine pruning method: When the plant grows to 4 to 5 leaves when the main vines topping the heart, picking up after the growth of 4 to 5 vines, when the vine grows to about 20cm when retaining one of the strong vines, the other cranberries are knocked out. Then let this vine be the main vine and grow a side vine on this main vine. For the side vines with female flowers, keep 2 leaves topping; for the side vines without female flowers or side vines without melons, the main vine leaves 1m long tips to prevent the plants from becoming longevity.

3.6 The factors and solutions for not sitting on melons are mainly vegetative growth and inhibiting reproductive growth. Therefore, in the production should strictly control the number of vines, vines do not sit in time to grab the tips, remove the excess melon vines to promote the vine and grandchildren vines.

3.7 Pest control The use of high ridge planting, additional organic fertilizer, reasonable watering, and timely cultivating loose soil in cultivation will reduce the incidence and damage of diseases. For downy mildew can be 70% EB Phosphate wettable powder 700 times, or 72% Kelu 800 times spray. Leaf blight can be used 50% Dafudan or 40% can be dan wettable powder 500 ~ 600 times spray control.

4 Pollination notes

Xiangmi 900 melon pollination Needs attention is that the new male flower on the day off, confirmed that when the powder has begun to be removed, the male flower corolla can be removed, exposing the stamens, to the stigma of the open female flower stigma applied lightly. You can also use a brush to dip on the male flower, and then you can dip it on the female flower that was opened on that day. There must be no dew when it is touched. In case of overcast days, it can be buckled to prevent rain.

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