Cotton Blight Control

At present, cotton in Tianjin is in the seedling stage. Due to the large coefficient of weather change this month, the temperature is high and low, which affects the growth of freshly uncovered cotton seedlings, and the emergence of cotton seedling blight disease began to occur. Experts from the Weather Meteorological Service Center of the Meteorological Bureau introduced that cotton farmers should be prevented and controlled in time. According to reports, the main cotton-producing areas of cotton seedlings showed symptoms of yellow blight or yellow-brown necrotic spots near the base of the stem. If it is not controlled in time, it will rapidly expand and become brown and contracted and necrotic around the young stem until the diseased seedlings are erect and wilting and die. According to experts, this is the best period of prevention and treatment of cotton blight in early June. It is recommended that foliar fertilizer should be sprayed to increase its disease resistance, remove diseased plants in time, and reduce the spread. Especially in the initial stage of the disease, 80% of the WP wettable powder 1000 times solution was used to irrigate the roots, or 50% carbendazim WP 500-800 times were used to spray the cotton seedlings 2 or 3 times.

Goji Berry ( [Goji" means [happy") , also called wolfberry, has been used for thousands of years by herbalists in China to protect the liver, help eyesight, boost immune function, improve circulation, and promote longevity and overall well being. It has only recently gained popularity in the west, it has become so polar, in fact, the Time Magazine recently named the Goji berry as [super-fruit" of the year. A big reason why Goji berries have quickly become a favorite nutritional supplement is that its impressive list of ingredients. The Goji berry, also called the wolfberry, is a bright purplish red or purple red berry that comes from a shrub that is native to China. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generation in the hope of living longer.    


Conventional Goji Berry

Conventional Goji Berry,Organic Conventional Goji Berry,Conventional Dried Goji Berry