Two things to note when weeding vegetables in greenhouses

Many farmers discovered that soon after the greenhouses had been cleared, many weeds grew on the ground. This was a real headache. In order to save time, many people began to use herbicides to control weeds. However, vegetables are very sensitive to herbicides and care must be taken when applying herbicides.

Pay attention to the effect of herbicides on squat vegetables

Most of the vegetables are very sensitive to herbicides. Improper application is likely to cause phytotoxicity, especially herbicides with a longer duration, and it is also easy to affect the squat vegetables. Therefore, we must pay attention to the application of herbicides, not only to consider the growth of this glutinous vegetable, but also consider whether it will affect the squat vegetables, etc., so as not to cause losses.

In the application of selective herbicides should pay attention to the types of vegetables, such as in the control of loofah, cucumber and other broadleaf vegetables in the field of grassy weeds, available high-efloxacin, fine quizalazine and other broad-leaved vegetables Field herbicides. When herbicides are sprayed, they must be strictly followed according to the instructions for application. For example, when the soil is used by the vegetable farmers, the use of sulfamethoxal is more effective.

Although some herbicides are safer, if applied after the colonization of vegetables, it is best to spray with a directed sprayer to avoid spraying on vegetable plants.

Intertwined, covered, sprayed herbicide organically

When herbicides are applied, the properties of the herbicide must be relieved and the method of application must be applied. Short-lived, contact-killing herbicides, such as paraquat, can only be absorbed by plant green tissues, causing them to die, and they can quickly combine with the soil and passivate in the soil, without affecting the squat vegetable. Apply before vegetable colonization. However, such herbicides can only kill the aerial parts of the weeds and have no effect on the underground stems and roots of the weeds. Weeding is often incomplete, so weeds are still numerous during planting. Farmers can combine other measures to prevent and control weeds better.

The first is weeding and weeding. This is the most beneficial method for weeding crops. By turning the land with a hoe and other tools, it can not only eliminate the roots but also loosen the soil, which is conducive to the rooting of the vegetable roots at the seedling stage and plays an important role in cultivating strong trees.

Followed by black mulch film. The main role of black plastic film is to prevent grass, and now the temperature inside the shed is still high, and the weeds multiply very quickly. After covering the black plastic film, there is no need to worry about the problem of weeds. The autumn black mulch is a good weeding measure, but it is better not to cover the black mulch when it comes to wintering vegetables. Because the winter season is low, the black mulch is not conducive to the increase of the ground temperature. It is best to cultivator before covering the black mulch to increase the permeability of the soil.

Snow Topping Cream Powder

Snow topping Cream Powder contains vegetable oil, no animal oil, and can be beaten to produce a high volume of 300%. It is very acid resistant, and making a fruity mousse ensures structure and texture. Light and delicate in taste, it can highlight the unique flavor and texture of mousse powder. Creme fraiche powder does not break, ferment, turn yellow or decompose. It is a durable and delicious product.
This product can not only make cream cake, ice cream, mousse cake, tiramisu, etc., but also can be mixed into western soup, coffee, milkshake or milk tea and other drinks.

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