Soil cultivation to "two bogey"

The first point: avoid topdressing nitrogen fertilizer too much, leading to imbalance in nutrient absorption, there "Wang plant."

After the beginning of autumn, as the temperature gradually decreases, the nutrient of ginger stems and leaves will gradually “backflow” into underground tubers, promoting its expansion. If high-nitrogen fertilizers are still applied at this stage, it will inevitably lead to “wang shi”. Plant nutrients will be consumed in the growth of stems and leaves, and nutrients accumulated in underground tubers will decrease, leading to a decrease in yield.

According to the understanding of the countryside, the farmers who used high-nitrogen fertilizers during the period had a lot of friends, including more than 200 pounds of mu per mu. Last year's survey found that burning nitrogen was too high. Here, to remind Jiangnong friends, the period should be followed by ginger in accordance with the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium three elements 3:1:4-5 to topdressing. Can be applied to Pepsi organic fertilizer 80 pounds +80 pounds Yamiao Miao compound fertilizer or Kami Rui compound fertilizer. Due to the long growth cycle of ginger, it requires a large amount of fertilizer. Note that the application of bio-organic fertilizer in top dressing can not only improve the soil, but also ensure that the late growth of ginger is not de-fertilized.

The second point: avoid the root weight of soil, which leads to the spread and spread of soil-borne diseases and the increase of dead trees.

It is understood that in the past few years, Jiang Nong has used more and more mechanical earth-cultivation, and this has, to some extent, aggravated the “damage” of the root system of ginger (because the width of the ditch cultivated by the soil cutter is about 20 cm wide. The ridge height is 40 centimeters, while artificial earthworms are used artificially, the bottom of the ditch is about 10 centimeters, and the ridge height is about 35 centimeters. According to the analysis, if ginger is seriously injured, it will inevitably affect the absorption of ginger nutrients and moisture, thus hindering growth. At the same time, due to root wounds, wounds appear, and the ability of the roots to resist disease, can easily lead to the increase of soil-borne diseases, such as bacterial wilt (ginger disease). Combined with the current positive rainy season, the spread of disease is very likely.

So how can we avoid it? One is to use artificial earth as much as possible. If you use mechanical earth, you should also pay attention to the depth of 30 cm ridge height is appropriate. Second, in the case that the soil-cultivation method cannot be changed, it is possible to avoid excessive rooting by adjusting the growth direction of the ginger underground ginger block. That is, when sowing the ginger mother, the ginger mother is consciously perpendicular to the planting line, making the ginger, Sun Jiang is also vertical to the planting line. When the soil is cultivated, the entire ginger block is perpendicular to the planting line. The fleshy roots, lateral roots, and capillary roots caused by soil cultivation extend in a straight line and do not become excessive when cultivated soil. hurt.

In addition, after topdressing the ginger, avoid watering immediately. It is recommended to water it again every day to facilitate the healing of root wounds of ginger.

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