Radish boiled eggs can cure asthma

In winter, it is easy to catch cold and cough. The radish has the effect of lowering gas and resolving phlegm. Eggs not only nourish but also moisten the lungs and pharynx, and nourish yin and nourish the kidney. Which add green beans, beneficial water, detoxification, moistening effect.

Radish boiled eggs practice:

1. Take 3 dried radish (or 20 to 30 grams of radish), 1 egg, and a small bowl of mung beans. Put them together in a pot and add boiling water for 30 minutes until the beans are cooked.

3. Peel off egg shells when serving, together with radish, mung beans and soup. Start from the first day of the dog day, taking 1 dose daily for 30 days.

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