Green Pepper Fertilizing Technology

Green Pepper Fertilizer Technology Source: Food Partner Network Green pepper is rich in protein, sugar, organic acids, vitamins and a variety of inorganic salts, especially Vitamin C content is the most vegetables, fresh fruit content per 100 grams of 73-342 mg. The growth cycle of green pepper includes three stages: germination period, seedling stage and flowering result period: the germination period is from seed germination to true leaf exposure; the seedling stage is from the true leaf to the first flower bud, and the seedling stage needs to complete basic nutrition. Growth and flower bud differentiation; the flowering result period is from the bud to the bud, and the early period of this period (from the first flower bud to the first fruit set) should be properly controlled to prevent flowering. After entering the result period, it is necessary to strengthen fertilizer and water management, protect the leaves, maintain the growth of the plants, coordinate the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, promote pods and flourish, and extend the fruit-picking period so as to seize high yields.
The requirements of green peppers are not strict, and generally sandy soil and clay can be cultivated, and fertile soil with rich soil, deep soil and good drainage is preferred. Green peppers require high soil nutrient content. Such as malnutrition, especially nitrogen deficiency or excessive, or phosphorus deficiency, often lead to a large number of falling flowers, buds, bells, potassium is less than nitrogen, or stems and leaves are not well developed. Because the roots of green pepper are underdeveloped, the moisture requirement is strict. Combined with the fertility characteristics and fertilizer requirements of green pepper, the fertilization principle is:
(1) Reapplying the base fertilizer Green pepper has a long growth period, and it is very important to apply the base fertilizer. That is to say, on the basis of sufficient farmhouse fertilizer, the "Tianji" brand phosphorus nitrate fertilizer is 45-50 kg per acre.
(2) Multi-applied application of topdressing fertilizer When the diameter of the pepper reaches 2-3 centimeters, the combination of reminder fruit water will catch 10 kilograms of "Tianji" brand nitrate fertilizer per acre. After entering fruitful production period, it will be combined with soil to recover "Tianji" per acre. The brand of phospho-fertilizer 15 kg; after entering the rainy season, in order to prevent the plants from defertilizing after the rain, each mou chase "Tianji" brand phosphatidic acid fertilizer 15 kg; enter the second flowering period, in order to ensure the rapid expansion of the fruit, to combine watering each Mu chase "Tianji" brand nitrophosphate 20 kg.

Standardized Herbal Extract

A standardized herbal extract is an herb extract that has one or more components present in a specific, guaranteed amount, usually expressed as a percentage. The intention behind the standardization of herbs is to guarantee that the consumer is getting a product in which the chemistry is consistent from batch to batch. This practice has developed out of the drug model of herbal medicine, in which modern scientists have attempted to identify the components of a plant that have definite pharmacological activity in the body. Unfortunately, while scientists can isolate many constituents from an herb and discover how particular chemicals may act in the body, they inadvertently remove or overlook components that may contribute to the activity of the whole herb. Consequently, standardization may concentrate one constituent at the expense of other potentially important ones, while changing the natural balance of the herb`s components.

Standardized Herbal Extract

Standardized Herbal Extract,Green Tea Extract,Black Currant Extract,Cranberry Extract, Green Coffee Bean Extract

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