Summer Physiological Disease Prevention and Control of Vegetables

Tomato rot

In the fruit with mild symptoms, some of the vascular bundles became brown and necrotic. Although the shape of the fruit did not change, the vascular bundle did not turn red. In severely diseased fruits, the vascular bundles of the flesh were dark brown in all, and the placental tissue of the diseased fruit was poorly developed. The surface of the fruit was unevenly colored. In severe cases, the diseased part was pale green and the surface became hard.

Analysis of the most important symptoms of tomato tendon rot is poor fruit coloration, and lack of light, NPK imbalance, root injury can cause poor fruit coloring, so it can be concluded that the cultivation conditions are unwell. If the shade net is covered all day, there will be insufficient light from the guide. The shade net can be covered only in the sunny noon, and it should be removed in the evening and rainy days in order to ensure the tomato's visibility time and light intensity. In addition, if the proportion of nitrogen and potassium is not adjusted during fertilization, the amount of potash fertilizer required during tomato fruiting period will be large, about 1.8 times that of nitrogen fertilizer. When topdressing, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is too large, potassium fertilizer is insufficient, and the incidence of tendon rot is high. In addition, frequent application of manure has also increased the occurrence of the disease.

Prevention and control of tomatoes in greenhouses that have been afflicted with rot can be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate 200-300 times, or with foliar fertilizer 500-1000 times, or leafy leaves, under enhanced light conditions. Fertilizer 800-1000 times, quickly add nutrients, reduce the probability of late tendons rot fruit.

Tomato physiological leaf curl

Symptoms The leaf is rolled up and rolled up into a tube when severe and develops from the bottom up.

Analysis of tomato physiological leaf curls is intuitively based on the analysis of water shortages, and poorly rooted roots or roots are the major causes of plant water deficits. Need to point out in particular is that improper watering is likely to be the culprit causing root dysplasia or root damage.

Prevention and control of summer tomatoes must be rational and scientifically watered. Watering must be carried out according to the characteristics of different growth periods: Under normal circumstances, the tomato should be irrigated with water after 3-5 days after planting water, and then soil drought should be properly maintained to promote deep roots and cultivate strong trees. As a result, the plants in the early stage were small and the surface evapotranspiration was large. Generally, they could be poured once every 5-7 days, and then plowed and ploughed. Afterwards, with the growth and development of the plants, the water requirement of the plants will increase, and watering shall be promptly performed to prevent the occurrence of sudden and dampness. Watering according to growing conditions: If the leaves are not shrinking, the leaves are dark green, and there is a slight drop in the sunny days for the lack of water, it is necessary to supply water in time. If the leaves are over-expanded, the leaves are large and thin, and the leaves are spewing too much water, which is an expression of excess water. Pay attention to the time of watering: In the summer, avoid watering at high temperature at noon. Generally, you should choose to do it before 10 o'clock in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Premature aging

Symptoms Plants have fine stems, small leaves, yellow leaves, weak growth, few fruit set, poor fruit development, low yield, and weak resistance to disease and stress.

Analysis of the summer vegetables, improper fertilization is the main cause of premature plant failure. If the use of organic fertilizer is not paid attention before planting, it will lead to defertilization and premature senescence in the late stages of plant growth. At the same time, if one does not pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer, adding chemical fertilizer one-sidedly will often result in soil compaction, and the permeability of soil will be reduced. Cause root growth and development, causing premature aging; excess flush with nitrogen fertilizer, resulting in root injury, making plants thin, stunted, fortunately premature aging, if the roots are not injured, easily lead to plant crops, the crop early errors; one-time overflooding , Resulting in increased concentration of soil solution, resulting in salt damage, affecting root growth, which in turn leads to insufficient supply of water and nutrients for plant growth, causing premature aging.

Prevention In order to prevent vegetable root injury, we must put an end to the above fertilization methods, so that scientific fertilization. Scientific fertilization: Based on the application of organic fertilizer, according to the growth needs of crops fertilize fertilizer timely, can not be partial nitrogen fertilizer. For example, if tomato is fertilized during the result period, the ratio of nitrogen to potassium is the most suitable for 1:2, and 30 kg of compound fertilizer can be used per acre. Remedy: After the crop has developed premature aging, it should be remedied by a combination of spraying and irrigation. Spraying, foliar spray foliar fertilizer. The foliar spray can be performed with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium nutrient foliar fertilizer mixed with 400 times cytokinin. Under irrigation, the rooting agent or microbial fertilizer is applied to promote the growth of the root system and enhance the ability of the root system to absorb water and fertilizer. After the plants have returned to normal, follow the requirements for crop growth and top-dressing in time.

Cucumber melon yellow

Symptoms cucumber melons turn yellow, but no spots on melon strips.

Analysing the bad development of cucumber roots in summer is the main reason for melon yellowing. Root dysplasia can affect the growth and development of the whole plant, so that the cucumber can not get enough nutrition, and then the melon strips yellow.

Prevention of changes in planting methods: Many vegetable farmers are often planted and watered after planting. The disadvantage of this approach is that the surface water and fertilizer are sufficient, and the root system develops laterally in the shallow surface, but it is disadvantageous to the vertical development of the root system. If water is poured before planting, the root system can be induced to develop in depth. Watering at the same time can also reduce the ground temperature, which is more conducive to root growth and seedling easing. Protecting the leaves and promoting rooting: The nutrients needed for the root system are mostly provided by the middle and lower leaves. Therefore, it is not appropriate to remove the lower leaves prematurely, and the diseases of the leaves must be strictly controlled. Rational fertilization, rooting and cultivating roots: Applying biological fertilizers in deep ditch after planting a suitable amount of basic fertilizer in shallow layers can improve the soil, prevent diseases, promote new roots, and promote the development of roots in deep roots. . After the vegetable enters the result period, the vegetative growth and the reproductive growth are synchronized. When the fertilizing material is used to ensure that the root system is not damaged, it is necessary to take into consideration the attack of the tree and also to pay attention to the attack. Therefore, it is not appropriate to apply excessive nitrogen fertilizer. fat. In addition, if the temperature is too high, the amount of chemical fertilizers should be reduced, and biological fertilizers should be added to ensure the normal growth of the root system.

Insect net greenhouse also known as plant and vegetables greenhouse net. Used for prevent the insect fly into the greenhouse during the plant growing, and cover the plants. Key off the approaches that the pests (adult insect) breeding. Effective control of the spread of all kinds of harmful pests spread, such as Cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, aphids, flea beetles, Sweet agnates, American leaf miner, literal etc and prevent the harmful of virus spread. Significantly reduced the use of chemical pesticides, so that the planting vegetables good-quality and health.

Greenhouse Insect Net

Greenhouse Insect Net,Insect Mesh Netting,Insect Mesh