Several Problems to Be Paid Attention to in Production of Phoenix Peach (Continued)

One, the more serious fruit drop before harvest

Causes: (1) In June, when the peach tree was in a moisture-sensitive period, it suffered from rain, and the stem cell of the fruit stem contracted. Afterwards, it encountered heavy rain or a lot of water and suddenly flowed in excess water, which caused the cell to rupture, resulting in the fruit falling off and falling off. (2) excessive nitrogen application or lack of assimilation of nutrients due to lack of light will increase fruit drop rate. Especially saplings and early fruit trees, excessive nitrogen can easily lead to new shoots and delay the results, shoot growth to take away the nutrients needed for fruit growth, will increase the fruit drop. (3) Improper bagging, tying up the bag and causing a crush at the stalk, causing fruit drop.

Solution: (1) Emphasis on proper supply of fertilizer and water before the hard-core period. It should not be poured after the beginning of the hard-core period. In case of heavy rain, it should be drained in time. (2) Shiji Fei should not be too late to promote the use of autumn basal fertilizer; Topdressing to avoid the use of large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer should be used in conjunction with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. (3) Reasonably trimmed. In winter, Wangshu cannot be pruned too heavy. It is necessary to carry out summer cuts in time to control leggy branches, eliminate dense branches, increase light, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, and appropriate fruit thinning early to regulate nutrient distribution. (4) When pouching, the mouth of the pouch should be tied on the result stick, and it should not be tied at the handle.

Second, the phenomenon of rotten fruit is more prominent

Causes: (1) Causes rotten fruit due to green leaf spot, and begins to ulcerate from the spot. (2) Using newspaper bags, the paper bag is damaged during rainfall, and the fruit is affected by sunburn, beaks, and pests, causing rot. (3) In the case of strong winds during fruit ripening, mechanical damage caused by the shaking of branches caused rotting. (4) When the planting density is too large, the tree crowns are covered, the ventilation and light transmission are poor, and the spraying is easy to miss, which affects the disease control effect.

Solution: (1) Actively combat green spot. (2) Use special bagging for peaches to gradually eliminate newspaper bagging. (3) Use supports, pulls, cranes, etc. to reduce the impact of strong winds. (4) Reduce the planting density, suitable spacing 5 meters, spacing 4 meters.

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