Improve the production of cotton to grasp two key

One, watering

Compared with other technologies, cotton watering technology has a large effect and is difficult to predict. The northern and southern parts of the country are relatively arid in spring and summer, and some years are still impervious until July 20. In order to obtain high yields of cotton, it is necessary to water 1-2 times during the growth period in the average year, and even 3 times in dry years. However, if it is improperly watered, it will have serious consequences. The most difficult part to master is the time and method of pouring the first water. The consequences of watering mistakes are the following: (1) The cotton is subjected to drought due to watering too late or not watered, causing the vegetative bodies to be too small and causing serious premature senescence. In this case, there are also fertilizers that do not work. (2) Large watering and raining after pouring cause the trophic body of the cotton plant to be too large, resulting in long growth, and severe cotton field closure. (3) The best time for watering was delayed, or the watering did not cooperate with the fertilization, resulting in a large number of shedding of the bells and atrophy of the growing point, which did not play the best effect of watering.

In order to make the watering initiative, the first water is suitable for proper early pouring. Generally, it should be carried out within the period of buds in June. The late pouring is easy to form and the drought is too heavy, and the buds fall off in large quantities. If the drought is not timely watered, First spray urea solution: can delay the formation of bud detachment, reduce bud loss, must be poured with small water, try to use ditch pouring, timely cultivator after watering, and then encountered the impact of small rainfall. If it is too late to ditch the earth, we should try to make narrow rakes. The amount of irrigation water per mu should be 25-30 squares (equivalent to 37-45 mm of rainfall). Watering on a sunny sunny day should be preceded by 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. in order to reduce drastic changes in the ground temperature. The method of judging the dry elephants can be based on the interval between buds, the size of buds, and the date of buds to flowering. If wilting and watering of the leaves are found for a long time, the growth of cotton has been affected.

Second, control

Chemical control can shape the cotton plant type, which is not only beneficial to the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of cotton plants, but also can transform the population structure of cotton fields. It is one of the most useful technologies that can further increase cotton yields and appropriately increase the density. .

The technical difficulty of chemical control application is not very difficult, mainly to understand the problem. In 2007, the author proposed that “chemical control should be preceded by prosperous growth.” From the slogan, cotton farmers can accept it, but there is still a small distance in application. When the author visited the countryside from June 14 to 19 last year, he saw that most of the cotton fields had grown 5-6 fruit branches and the plant height was 35-40 centimeters. The phenomenon was prosperous, but most cotton farmers still did not perform the first time. Chemical control. It is difficult for cotton farmers to control because the cotton is not prosperous. Farmers also know that the festivals are too long, but how to control the festivals is not essential. In the north, due to the limitation of the growing season, the average cotton planting will not exceed 30 on average, and 20-25 can be easily achieved. The plant height does not need to be more than 1 meter, and 90-95 centimeters is appropriate, according to the single fruit branch. For 13-14 calculations, the average internode length should be controlled to 5 cm, and the total length is 65 cm. The first fruit branch is 20-25 cm above the ground. The horizontal length of the fruit branches shall not exceed 33 cm. The width of the plant shall be controlled within 66 cm. The longest first fruit section shall be about 10 cm. Calculated according to 4 fruit segments, the average length of each fruit segment is 7-8 cm. Actually, the first fruit segment of some cotton plants has reached more than 20 cm, which is mainly caused by chemical control. Cotton strains absorb quickly and transfer slowly. Therefore, they cannot control where they cannot be sprayed. If it is passively controlled, the liquid volume must be increased, the spray width must be widened, and the spray rate must be slowed down so that every growing point can be drugged.

In actual production, chemical control has roughly three modes: First, the quantitative quantitative control mode, which is generally divided into four times; the former is light and heavy; the second is the multiple-control mode, about 8-10 days, each time. Sub 0.5-1 grams, no increase in the latter part; the third is to synchronize with the foliar spray fertilizer, promote the control, control in the promotion. In order to make the effect of shrinkage uninterrupted (disruption will cause the cotton strain to grow faster and slower, it is easy to cause cotton growth rebound), I think the second mode is better. The author went to the countryside to see a lot of this situation: after the farmers controlled 1-2 times in the early stage, they saw that the effect was very good and gave up the future control, resulting in cotton in the middle and late period.

There are three main types of Rice.

In GB/T 1354-2009 "Rice National Standards", there are only three types of rice: glutinous rice, glutinous rice and glutinous rice.
Pick rice three steps


Packed rice first look at whether the packaging is marked with QS mark, product name, net content, production date and shelf life, quality grade, product standard number and other information.

Look at the color and size of the rice grains in bulk to see if there are broken rice or yellow grains.


Premium rice has a natural valley scent and no smell.


New rice has a higher protein content and is harder than Chenmi.

Other Rice

Royal Basmati Rice,Nutritious Rice,Medium Grain Rice,Short Grain Rice

Ningxia Saiwaixiang Food Co., Ltd. ,