Six points for rose cultivation management

Rose is a very important cut flower material. During its cultivation and management, it is necessary to pay attention to the following six aspects.
The selection of soil roses has a wide range of adaptation to the soil, but in order to obtain the desired yield and quality, it is necessary to choose a loam that is well drained and rich in organic matter.

If strong seedlings are selected, seedlings of 2 to 3 years old roses should be selected. There should be 2 to 3 branches on the seedlings, and 3 to 5 roots with a diameter of 1 mm or more should be selected at the roots, and part of the roots should be included. If the grafted rose seedlings are selected, the root system of the rootstock is required to be developed. The diameter of the seedlings is 0.3 cm or more and the plant height is not less than 30 cm.

Transplanting at the right time is best done in mid-to-late October and can be planted with leaves. The planting method can be planted by a hole or strip planting. The width and depth of a planting hole or a planting groove are preferably 40 cm to 50 cm. After planting, pour enough water to incubate soil immediately after water infiltration.

In the spring, summer and autumn seasons, the cultivator should timely carry out ploughing and planing in order to remove the soil compaction layer. The cultivator depth is preferably 10 cm to 15 cm. It is also an economic and effective production increase measure to do a good job in the roots of roses. The soil should be cultivated before or after the budding of the rose. The thickness of the soil is generally 4 cm to 8 cm.

Reasonable water and fertilizer roses are top-dressed with organic fertilizers, combined with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical fertilizers. Roses planted in the plains generally follow the first fertilization when young shoots sprout in early March; catch the second fertilizer before the rose buds blossom; and apply the third fertilizer after the rose from the end of May to the beginning of June; The fourth top dressing is generally performed in the middle of September. In the middle and early September, the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth of roses is in progress. The accumulation and return of nutrients in large quantities, and the timely application of nitrogenous fertilizers, are crucial for the increase of annual production. Generally, 3 cubic meters of organic fertilizer can be applied per acre, and 10 kg of diammonium phosphate can be used together. The rose topdressing planted on the hillside can be combined with soil, cultivator, and weeding in 3 to 4 batches. Fertilizer can be sprinkled near rose stems and then poured into the soil. In general, roses should be watered 3 to 4 times a year.

Disease prevention and control pests generally have two peaks of rust on July and the end of August and the beginning of September to the beginning of September. They can remove the disease buds in time or burn deeply; or use 50% of chlorothalonil 600 times from the beginning of July. The liquid was sprayed once every 10 days, and rust was controlled by spraying it 3 times. The main onset time of powdery mildew is between the beginning of April and September. The first is the prevention of spraying Bordeaux fluid before germination, and the second is the spraying of 20% Trigonelin emulsion 3000 times dilution during the onset of disease. The period from the beginning of April to the beginning of June is the golden period for the beetle to be shaken, or it can be sprayed with 40% omethoate 1000 times for foliar spray poisoning. Hawthorn red spider mainly damages the rose leaves after the flowering period. It can be sprayed with lime sulfur before spraying, or sprayed with 500% to 1000 times of 20% dicofol after flowering. Avoid strong light Rieger Begonias hi moist, semi-yin environment, in the sun exposure and dry air, stems and leaves easy to wither off, so the summer should be to cover the sun's 50% -60%.
Avoid high temperature Rieger Qiu Haixi likes ventilation, cold environment, not high temperature, the optimum temperature for growth is between l5 °C -20 °C, so it should be placed in a cool, ventilated place in the summer, otherwise the roots and stems are perishable. Avoid water and big fat Li Qi Begonia to fleshy stems, summer should be appropriate to control the amount of water and fertilizer, generally keep the basin soil moist, monthly application of a thin fertilizer can be. Otherwise, excessive fertilizer and water can easily cause root rot.
Avoid spraying water directly to the leaf surface at high temperature. The leaves will not evaporate in time after being contaminated with water, which may cause rot. The water may be sprayed near the basin and in the surrounding environment to maintain the local air humidity and adjust the temperature.

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