Big effect of two acids: increased egg production in chickens

In the feeding process of laying hens, the level of economic benefits, in addition to the main nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, minerals, etc., also has a direct relationship with the micronutrient components required in the chicken body. The minimal amount of nutrients in the body of chickens directly affects the absorption, utilization, and conversion of major nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals during the physiological and biochemical processes of chickens. Therefore, a considerable part of the economic benefits of laying hens are hidden in delicate feeding details.

When feeding a small number of laying hens, the fed compound feed is fed, and its egg production rate is still relatively ideal. However, they later tried to purchase lysine in the animal husbandry department's veterinary drug store and feed 0.1% of the chicken diet to the feed. The spirit of the chicken has greatly increased, the chicken chicken has a red face, and the egg production rate has increased by 25%. Therefore, the sentence “The effect of the two acids is large and the egg production of the chicken is increased” is summarized. Lysine is an acid, and what is the other acid? If you can't buy lysine, you can use methionine instead. Methionine is also a nutritive additive, and it also has a good effect on laying hens, which is basically the same as lysine. Adding 0.3% methionine to the hen's diet can increase egg production by 5.8%.

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