Fox skin stripping and processing methods

The fox skin is beautiful in color, flexible in texture and rich in fluff. Its products are hailed as one of the three major pillars of the world's fur, and it is also our country's export-quality products. The economic benefits are considerable. Entering December each year is the season when the fox skin matures. The method of stripping and preliminary processing of fox skin is introduced as follows:

First, execute:
There are many methods of execution and should be based on the principle of quick execution, no contamination of the fur and no effect on the quality of the fur.

1, stick hit method. Hit the back of the fox or the eyebrow with a club, causing the brain to oscillate and die.

2, the heart into the air method. A 10-20 ml glass syringe was used to hold the No. 7 needle. The needle was inserted into the heart of a fox and 10-20 ml of air was injected. The heart valve died quickly and was damaged.

3, drug law. Commonly used sikulin (succinylcholine chloride) is injected intramuscularly in 7-10 ml each and the foxes die in 3-5 minutes. And does not damage and contaminate the fur. Drugs that remain in the body are also non-toxic and do not affect the use of the individual.

Second, peeling:
After the fox is executed, it must be peeled off as soon as possible. The body should not be placed for a long time. Skin should be peeled when the body is still warm, otherwise the skin is difficult to separate.

1, open up. Firstly use a pair of scissors to cut a knife from one side of the hind leg to the elbow joint (toe part), pick the front edge of the anus along the inside of the long and short hairs at the inner side of the stock, and finally pick the middle of the back of the anus along the center of the caudal-ventral surface to the middle of the tail, and remove the anus. Hairless parts.

2, peeling. The hind limbs and the tail were dissected first, the coccyx and limbs were cut off, and the footpads were kept. Then the two hind limbs are hung on the fixing hooks to make a tubular shape and then peeled backwards and forwards. Pull the edges and spread the sawdust. The urethra was cut at a reliable skin plate, and the forelimb was stripped into a tube. A 3-4 cm incision was made along the ankle to pull the forelimb. The ears, nose, eyelids, and mouth of the head remain intact on the skin.

Third, the initial processing of fur
1, scraping oil. First hung the fox's nose on the nails, set it on a smooth circular raft, and scrape it with oil from the back and forth. When the oil is scraped, the knife must be steady and the force must be even. Scraping the sawdust or rubbing the fingers to prevent the oil from dipping the coat to the principle of scraping the residual meat and subcutaneous fat without damaging the fur. The fat on the limbs, tail edge, and head is hard to clean and can be cut off with scissors.

2, wash skin. After scraping the oil and trimming the skin plate, use clean sawdust repeatedly to wash the grease and dirt several times until the skin is dry and not stained with sawdust. Then use a brush to clean the sawdust on the skin. Then turn it over and scrub the wool to remove the dust and oil on the pile, until the pile is clean and shiny, fluffy and clean, and brush the sawdust. Washed sawdust should be resin-free sawdust and sieved before use.

3, Shangyu. The method of captain: First the leather tube is furry inwards, and the plate toward the outer sleeve is on the tarsal plate. The ears are fixed on both ears, and then the leather tube is pulled evenly to stretch and extend naturally. Pull the side and fix the head with a thumbtack, then pull the tube evenly and force it to stretch and extend naturally. Pull the edge and fix the edge with a push pin. The forelimb turned to the outside and drooped naturally. The hind limb was straight and the tail was naturally deployed and fixed on the seesaw. When it is dry to 5-60%, it is turned into Maochaoli, and it is reattached. It is simply fixed.

4, squat and dry. When the fur's limbs, foot pads, and underlying parts of the skin are hard and dry, they must be squatted in time. After drying, the dry skin can be hung at room temperature or indoors to dry.

Safflower yellow can significantly inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation in rabbits, and also has a very obvious depolymerization effect on ADP-aggregated platelets. When the dosage was 0.22g/ml, the inhibition rate of aggregation and depolymerization reached 85.9% and 78.9% respectively. These effects of safflower yellow were enhanced with the increase of dosage. Safflower yellow has a very significant inhibitory effect on experimental thrombosis in rats, the inhibition rate is 73.4%. Because the thrombus material formed on the silk line is platelet aggregates, the reduction of wet weight of thrombus is obviously the result of drug inhibiting platelet aggregation. It is consistent with in vitro experiments that safflower yellow can inhibit platelet aggregation induced by ADP. Safflower yellow also significantly prolonged plasma recalcification time, prothrombin time and coagulation time in rabbits. It shows that it can affect the coagulation system both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, safflower oil can reduce blood lipid.

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