Chinese scholars have successfully revealed the molecular evolution mechanism of carp

Researchers at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, conducted research on the molecular evolutionary mechanism of carp using transferrin molecules as an entry point in late June 2004, and described the molecular basis and uniqueness of the transferrin polymorphism at the molecular level. Evolutionary law. It is reported that the research results will be published in the "Molecular Biology and Evolution" magazine in July. As a typical carp, carp is not only widely distributed on Eurasia, but also has many subspecies. It has abundant genetic diversity and its genome size is double or triple that of most carp species. It is called a polyploid fish by a cytogeneticist, that is, there have been multiple genome doubling events during evolution. Due to its wide distribution, morphological changes, genomic doubling, and diverse reproductive patterns (for gynogenetic and bisexual reproduction), carp has always been a unique object for the study of evolutionary genetics and developmental genetics. In order to further elucidate the evolutionary process and evolutionary mechanism of the squid, Yang Lin, Ph.D. student under the guidance of the tutor Gui Jianfang, first cloned and sequenced, from the three subspecies of silver carp (silver carp, color carp, and silver carp). Ten cDNA sequences of the transferrin allele were identified in the liver tissue. Sequence alignment revealed that there are a large number of variant sites in the coding regions of these alleles; the calculation of the molecular clock shows that these transferrin alleles are quite old and have an evolutionary history of nearly 20 million years; molecular weight and isoelectric point analysis also indicate that they are The encoded transferrin also differs in its physicochemical properties. These differences determine the difference in the migration rate during electrophoresis and are the molecular basis of its polymorphism. Evolutionary analysis shows that positive selection and genetic recombination play an important role in the molecular evolution of salmon transferrin. The distribution of positively selected sites in the two planes of the transferrin molecule suggests that their mutations do not seem to be the result of attack by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, but may indirectly affect the organism by affecting the uptake of iron. The ferritic oxygen metabolism in the body may have a wide geographic distribution with the squid, and it is bound to face an oxygen-deficient environment such as drought and cold, and it has an extraordinary ability to withstand oxygen. In addition, the 26 recombination events revealed between the transferrin alleles of E. sinensis and E. sinensis also implied that recombination may be one of the evolutionary mechanisms for the generation of new transferrin alleles. Therefore, the study of the molecular evolution of the transferrin of squid reveals an extremely rich connotation, that is, it is not only driven by evolutionary factors such as selection and recombination, but also due to the special evolutionary background of silver carp (hybrid origin and asexual and sexual reproduction). And it presents a unique evolutionary law. Based on these results, they also speculated that Jubilee may have survived long-term changes in a complex and volatile environment due to a completely different, flexible and balanced selection mechanism. The innovation of this research is based on the establishment of a method of molecular evolution research, successfully linking the protein polymorphism with the geography and ecological environment conditions of animal life, and further elucidating the molecular level of squid transferrin. The molecular basis and unique evolutionary laws. Although some theoretical assumptions and assumptions in this study are yet to be further verified, it opens the door for the exploration of the evolutionary mechanisms of the evolution of carp (especially silver cockroaches) and other vertebrates, and more potential laws will It is gradually revealed.

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