American bigmouth fish breeding technology

The American bigmouth bass is one of the large-scale fishes in North America. It has the characteristics of large individuals, fast growth, wide temperature range, strong disease resistance, high fertility, easy fishing, and delicious meat, and is therefore very suitable for breeding in China. The fish has been promoted and tested successfully in more than 20 provinces (municipalities) and autonomous regions in China. At present, the American largemouth bass has become a new breed of aquaculture in China. First, the biological characteristics 1, morphological characteristics: The United States big mouth rouge fish, body shape was spindle type, side flat. The body is covered with large scales, the back is blue-gray, and the abdomen is silver-white. It is similar to the squid. The back scales can refract light golden luster and are bright and beautiful. The head of the American bigmouth fish is relatively blunt and the kiss is relatively blunt. Large cracks, no need, no jaw teeth. In the eye, eyes are larger. There is a nostril above the eyes, and a pair of front and rear nostrils, separated by a valve. The borehole is larger, the aponeurosis is underdeveloped, the lateral line is straight and complete, the lateral median, and the lower tail is the lower position. The caudal peduncle is taller than the tail shank and the caudal fin is forked 2, living habits American bigmouth fish is a wide temperature range of fish, can adapt to 0-42 °C water temperature, the optimum water temperature is 18-31 °C, can be cultured in most areas of our country, and can naturally winter. There is also a certain degree of adaptability to salinity. According to the test results, the species of abalone can survive below 10 ‰ salinity. The American bigmouth bass is also strong against hypoxia. Under pond conditions, when the amount of dissolved oxygen is 1mg/l, American largemouth bass still does not float. The American bigmouth puffer fish prefers to live in a pelagic colony, and the fish species often swim in clusters, feeding plankton and floating feed. The American bigmouth bream is easy to catch, generally 2-3 net catch rate is above 85%, 3-4 net basically catches up. 3. Food habits: The American bigmouth fish is one of the large freshwater fish species in North America. The original habitat in rivers and lakes, with plankton as the main bait. During the larval period (0.7-1cm), phytoplankton are mainly consumed, such as Chlorella, Euglenophyta, and small zooplankton such as rotifers. When the body length is 1.5-2.5 cm, zooplankton ingestion is dominant, such as Cladocera and Copepoda, and benthic blisters and chironomid larvae are also ingested. Later, artificial feeding can be performed. Fish meal, lotus root meal, silkworm cocoon powder, powdered feed, pelleted feed, etc. In the adult stage, zooplankton larvae, copepods and cockroaches, aquatic insects and molluscs are mainly eaten. At the same time, it also feeds artificially-fed soy cakes, cakes, cakes, fish meal, and artificial pellets. 4, the growth of the American bigmouth puffer fish is a fast-growing fish, according to data reported in the United States origin, 1 + age fish can grow to 500 grams, 2+ age fish can grow to 800-1500 grams, 3 + age fish can grow to 2000 g. The growth after introduction of freshwater in Zhejiang Province showed that under the conditions of pond rearing, the year of fish (ie, 6 months of growth) was generally 100-150 g. Under the conditions of artificial fortification, the current year (6 Month) up to 500-600 grams. Individuals can grow up to 1,000 grams in length, and fish can grow to 600-1000 grams in two years, and can grow up to 1400 grams in length. Three-year fish can grow to 1850-2000 grams. 5. Reproductive habits The age of sexual maturity of the American bigmouth carp is closely related to the conditions of the natural environment, latitude, water temperature and other conditions. Under the conditions of pond rearing, the females usually mature at 4th instar, males at 3rd instar mature, and the American bigmouth fish is a one-time spawning fish. In natural water environment, when the water temperature rises to 15-16°C, male and female The broodstock chooses to lay eggs in shallow aquatic areas with abundant aquatic plants and wide waters. The eggs produced are viscous eggs, and the fertilized eggs are attached to the plants and hatch into fry. Second, aquaculture technology (a) artificial breeding 1, broodstock cultivation (1) broodstock source and age and specifications as artificial propagation of the broodstock American bigmouth bream fish can be taken from the original species or breeding their own breeding fry. Its age is over 4 years old and its size is 1-2kg fish. The fish is robust, complete and non-invasive. (2) Pond Selection Broodstock cultivation ponds are generally best ponds, with an area of ​​2-3 mu and a water depth of 1-1.5 meters. (3) Broodstock breeding methods and stocking densities. The broodstock cultivation method is mainly monopolized, and the special breeding stock is generally 150-300 tails/mu. (4) Breeding management and special support: adopt year-round cultivation and focus on strengthening cultivation before winter and autumn in winter. Take the use of fertilizers to cultivate plankton, while supplemental artificial feeding. In day-to-day management, water quality control is mainly done to keep the water quality “fat, live, and tender”; frequent inspections of the ponds, inspection of the food table to observe the fish’s eating and drinking conditions, to determine the amount of feeding, and to pay attention to fish and activities If abnormalities are found, the cause should be identified in a timely manner. Once a disease occurs, it should be promptly prevented and disinfected to ensure normal growth and development of broodstock. 2. Artificial Oxygen Production Technology (1) Production season The gulp season of the American bigmouth puffer fish is from the end of March to the beginning of April. The water temperature is usually destroyed at 16-18°C. (2) Selection of mature broodstock Mature males have obvious “chasing stars” in the head, body, and caudal peduncle. Their hand feels a rough feeling, and they can also see obvious small white “chasing stars” with the naked eye. Can squeeze out semen. In mature females, the abdomen is enlarged and there is a clear outline of the ovary. The abdomen is evenly enlarged and the lower abdomen is relatively soft. Germ hole slightly reddish. (3) Ratio of male to female When artificially spawning for natural spawning, the male-to-female ratio should be at least 1:1; when artificial insemination is used for artificial insemination, the number of males can be relatively reduced, and the male to female ratio can be 3:2 or 4:2. The eggs of the American bigmouth bass are viscous eggs, and the fertilized eggs need to be debonded at hatching. The fertilized eggs will experience about 136 hours at a water temperature of 17-21 degrees Celsius, and at about 21-23 degrees Celsius, about 96 hours. After hatching, the fry usually takes 4-5 days. The fry's swimming ability is strengthened. The hatched yam sac basically disappears. The intestines pass through and the worms are inflated. A "spill point" appears and starts feeding. At this time, the fry can be transported or lowered. Pond for summer flower species breeding. (b) Summer fish species The large-mouth bream fish breeding pool in the United States is suitable for 2-4 mu. Stocking density is generally 100,000 mu. It is advisable to cultivate the summer fish species with a specification of about 3-3.5cm. It usually takes about 1 month. In addition to the conventional fingerling cultivation techniques, the cultivation of summer flower fingerlings of American largemouth bass is mainly to grasp the following aspects of technical links. (1) Choose a good weather fertilizer pond. (2) Mainly use soybean milk to cultivate about 15-20 days. (3) When 15-20 days later, in addition to the cultivation of soy milk, appropriate powdered feed shall be applied. (4) Ten days of fish fry ponds should be filled with fresh water once. After 15 days, change water once a week to keep the water “fat, live, tender and cool”. (5) In order to make the American bigmouth fish fillet species suitable for long-distance transportation, improve the survival rate and the survival rate of the species. Summer fish species must be trained by pulling nets; otherwise, the survival rate of the fish species is not high, and the scales of the fish body are easily detached and injured, which is not conducive to the stocking of the species. (3) Adult fish breeding 1. The main pond area is 8-15 acres, and 3-4 acres is also available. The other pond conditions are the same as the broodstock cultivation pool. The main stocking density is 600 tails/mu, and it can take up to 150 whiteflies, squid, and grass carp. The United States large-mouth carp fish stocking specifications 60g / tail, quail specifications to about 100g, carp, grass carp about 60g is appropriate. In the United States, the daily feed of largemouth bass is generally 2-4% of the fish's body weight. It is also based on the fish’s diet and weather, water quality, and water temperature. In the daily management of ponds, pool water should be changed frequently to maintain fresh water quality. 2. Polyculture and polyculture of Macrobrachium praecox have been tested and shown that American bigmouth fish can be mixed with Macrobrachium Roche. 2-3cm summer fish species are more suitable for polyculture at a density of 150-200 mu per mu. In the absence of additional feed, after 6 months breeding, the per mu yield is about 75kg, and the average size is 460g per tail. The Roche shrimp has a yield of 150kg per mu and specifications of 14-16g/tail, which does not substantially affect the growth and yield of the main shrimp. (d) Fish disease prevention and treatment of common diseases: 1. Iron bugs parasitic. It is mainly related to the looseness of scales of American largemouth bass, coupled with the damage caused by fishing and transportation, scales are easy to fall off and bleeding, causing parasitism of the iron anemone. At present, the use of potassium permanganate 1ppm Quanchiposa has a good control effect. 2, the occurrence of "hemorrhagic disease." According to the article “Inland Aquatic Products” published in the 98th issue of the "Inland Fisheries" report, some American largemouth bass have shown symptoms of "hemorrhagic disease" and have died. Using "Yu Xue Kang" drugs, according to the amount of 250g/300kg fish, continuous feeding for 3 days, mixing wheat flour mixed Quanchiposa. After 3 days, 0.3 g/m3 of strong chlorine was used to spill and stop the death. The phenomenon of surface congestion gradually disappeared. In addition to the above two diseases, no other diseases have been found.

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