Strawberry Non-pollution Cultivation Techniques

1. Scope This regulation proposes crop yield indicators, cultivation techniques, and pest-free integrated control techniques for strawberry cultivation. This regulation is applicable to areas south of 40 degrees north latitude. 2. Reference Standards The preparation of this specification refers to relevant standards that were valid at that time. All standards will be revised and users should explore and use the latest version of the standard. DBl3/T286-1996 Plastic Sunlight Greenhouse Winter Sorghum Strawberry Cultivation Technical Regulations (Approved by Hebei Provincial Bureau of Technical Supervision) 3, the output index 1000kg-1800?/667? 4, the production conditions can be open or greenhouse, plastic shed and other facilities production. The construction of greenhouses is based on the DBl3/T266-1996 regulations for the construction of Sunlight Greenhouses, type I and DBl3/1267-1996. 5. Cultivation techniques 5.1 Selection of varieties The selection of suitable varieties depends on the production needs. Greenhouse production uses short-term dormancy, early maturity, high yield, good quality, disease resistance, and adapt to market demand. Such as: Chun Xiang, Feng Xiang, Li Hong, All-Star, Golden Star, Bao Jiao Zao Sheng, Dana, red and large flowers. Open field production of optional All Star, Golden Star, Baozao Zaoxian and other varieties. 5.2 Cultivation of Seedlings 5.2.1 Establishment of Nursery 1. Every year after the end of September in autumn and before the end of April in early spring; choose a land with fertile soil, convenient irrigation and drainage, make a strawberry nursery, and apply organic fertilizer every 667 tons. 5000kg, deep plowing 25 centimeters, made 1.5-2 meters flat. 2. Mother plants are selected for annual growth, robust growth, well-developed root system, no pests and diseases, no less than 4 normal leaves of the stem tuber (no virus disease virus-free seedlings better); mu seed volume: high propagation coefficient of the species 1500 In strains/667?, 2,500 strains/667? with low propagation coefficients. 5.2.2 Nursery Management 1. The parent planted in the autumn, poured frozen water once in late November, and covered the film to prevent cold. 2. In early April, the inflorescences were removed to save nutrients and promote the growth of stolons; the Portuguese loquat stems were evenly distributed to prevent over-thin or over-density, seedlings cultivated soil in time, and new roots were promoted. On the 20th of July, 50 mg/kg of gibberellin began to be sprayed. After 15 days, it was sprayed again. 5.3 Colonization 1. Planting time: mid-August 2. Fertilization, soil replanting, and bogey control (except for the use of virus-free seedlings and soil sterilisation). 20 days before planting, greenhouses should be built with greenhouses. For every 667 people, 5000 kg of organic fertilizers are used, 30 mg of ammonium phosphate, 30 kg of potassium sulfate, and 25 tons of deep ploughing will be applied after spreading. The cultivation of small high ridge, ridge height 15 meters, ridge distance 90-100cm, ridge width 50cm, double row per ridge, spacing 18cm, spacing 12-15cm, mu density of 8000-10000/667. 3. The method of colonization is to use more than 5 leafy seedlings, try to choose rainy days or after 4 pm sunny days, transplant with soil and culture, so that “not buried in the roots, not under the roots,” the new stems are all back In addition, water is poured continuously after planting until it survives. 5.4 Management after planting 1. The pre-management planting seedlings grow 2 new leaves and begin to go to the old leaves. When 4 new leaves are grown, 10kg of urea is applied every 667 hours. In mid-late September, each application of diammonium phosphate Or compound fertilizer 20kg, timely watering and cultivating after fertilization. 2. Shedage time: greenhouse production, around October 20, when the temperature dropped to 8 degrees at night when the shed. 3. Field Management (1) Temperature management during the budding period is 26-28 degrees during the day. 8 degrees above night, flowering 22-25 degrees during the day, 12-15 degrees at night, fruit expansion during the day 20-25 degrees, 8 degrees at night, harvest time during the day 18-25 degrees, 5-6 degrees at night. (2) Moisture management Watering during flowering control, watering the fruit during ripening, and keeping the soil moist. Control watering before harvesting in the morning. (3) fertilization Dressing should "eat more meals," start from the top of the tidbits spit buds, chase once every 20 days, each 667 square meters topdressing urea and superphosphate 15kg, or compound fertilizer 15?. After the peak of the first harvest, it is followed once every 30 days. When top dressing, the fertilizer is first opened with water and then poured into the water. The results of the initial period of 500-1000 times the potassium dihydrogen phosphate spray every 7-10 days, a total of 2 or 3 times. (4) Picking off leaves and assisting pollination timely remove old yellow leaves and diseased leaves from the base of the stem to facilitate ventilation, light transmission and disease prevention. And brought it deep outside the field. Before the opening of the first flower, 7-8 flowers were left in each inflorescence, and other buds at the front of the inflorescence were removed. The fruits were large and neat, and the ripening was relatively concentrated. Artificially assisted pollination with brush or chicken hair during flowering. 5.5 Two-thirds of the strawberry berries harvested begin to harvest. Usually need to be collected every 1-2 days; harvest time should be selected after the morning without dew or in the evening; harvesting with fruit stalks, do not damage the scorpion; hierarchical piling, avoid stacking and handling squeeze. 6. Pest Control 6.1 Root rot has two manifestations of plant atrophy and acute wilting. To make the crops not repeat, remove the diseased plants and surrounding soil in time, and generally use 600-800 times the enemy to disinfect. 6.2 bud disease leaves and buds yellow, apical buds died. In severe cases, the whole plant died. Spraying prevention started once every 7-10 days from the bud, and sprayed with 50% Captanella 600 times.

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