High-yield cultivation techniques of bovine tongue bacterium

The tongue fungus, also known as steak bacteria and liver bacteria, is a valuable and delicious edible mushroom, which is highly recommended especially in Europe and the United States and often appears in the state banquet. The mushroom fruit body is thick and fleshy, soft and juicy, long-term cooking is not bad, texture is delicate, and there is a gum texture, food has a unique fragrance, and a slight sweet taste, favored by consumers. The bacteria is expensive and there is a large market gap. First, fertility conditions 1. temperature. Mycelia can grow between 8 and 32 °C, with 25-27 °C being the most suitable. Mushroom temperature 18-30cC, the most suitable 20?24~E. 2. humidity. The suitable moisture content of the matrix is ​​60% to 65%, and the fruit body growth phase requires 80% to 90% relative humidity. 3. Light. Hyphae should be cultured in the dark. Exposure to sunlight, aerial mycelium withered and lodging. The formation of fruiting bodies requires some scattered light to appear beautiful bright red mushroom body. 4. air. It is an aerobic fungus and requires fresh air during the growth phase. 5. pH value. It should be grown in an acidic environment. The pH of the substrate is preferably 4.5-5.5. Second, the parent strain of the cultivar production using PDA or 2% malt extract medium, the medium is sterilized with 0.5% malic acid, otherwise the mycelium growth is poor. After inoculation, they were cultured at a temperature of 23-26°C, and the hyphae were covered with bevels at 8-10 days. The original species and cultivars can be made of cereal grains or cotton husk (wood chips) bran medium, which is prepared by conventional ingredients, bottling (bags), sterilization, cooling, inoculation, and cultivation. Third, cultivation methods 1. Bag material formula. The culture medium can be formulated by any of the following combinations: 1 wood chips 75%, bran 22%, brown sugar 1.5%, gypsum powder 1.5%; 2 wood chips 80%, bran or rice bran 15%, corn flour 3% , brown sugar 1%, calcium carbonate 1%; 3 cottonseed husk 78%, bran or rice bran 20%, sugar 1%, gypsum powder 1%; 4 wood chips 40%, cottonseed husk 40%, bran or rice bran 15%, corn Powder 3%, sugar 1%, calcium carbonate 1%, add water to the culture material moisture content of 60% to 65%. 2. Bagging and sterilization. A 17-centimeter-long, 34-cm-long, 0.04 mm thick, high-density, low-pressure polyethylene plastic bag was used. The tightness of the bag should be moderate, and the bags at both ends should be tightly fastened. During the bagging and handling process, it should be handled with care. Do not puncture the bag and cause bacterial contamination. The packed bag should be immediately sterilized by atmospheric pressure sterilization, and maintained for more than 12 hours when the bag center temperature reaches 100~E. Then remove the bag and send it to a clean room for cooling. 3. Cool and inoculate. The sterilized bag was cooled in the cooling room and inoculated when the temperature dropped below 30C. The inoculation room will be sterilized for the first time 3 days before use; when the sterilized bags, strains, inoculation tools, alcohol lamps, etc. are all placed in the vaccination room, the second sterilization will be performed. Sterilization with formaldehyde, aerosol disinfection boxes. The third sterilisation is carried out during the inoculation, ie the tools, strains and the surface of the bag to be inoculated are sterilized with 75% alcohol. Inoculation should be done three times, ie, quick release, rapid transfer of strains, and rapid zapping. 4. Mycelial culture. After the inoculation, the bag was moved to the human bacteria collection site in time. During germination, attention should be paid to the regulation of temperature, humidity, air, and light in the four environmental factors, so that the temperature of the material is controlled between 24° C. and 28° C., and the air humidity is 60% to 70%. Frequent ventilation and ventilation keep the air fresh. Shading and avoiding sunlight. After 35-40 days of culture, mycelium can fill the bag. 5. Fruiting period management. After the mycelium covered the bag, scatter light was applied to induce budding. According to the specific situation, it can be used to unpack the mouth, open the hole, take off the bag, etc. During the fruiting stage, the air humidity should be increased to 80% to 90% through ground watering and space spraying; regular ventilation and fresh air, and room temperature should be 20 to 24~C. It takes about 7 to 10 days from the differentiation of the primordium to fruit body maturation. The mature mushroom body must be harvested in time. Other management work is basically the same as that of shiitake mushrooms. The mushrooms that are harvested can be sold fresh or dried, and their flavors are not reduced.

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