Food that is delicious and able to lose weight

What do you know about food that is delicious and able to lose weight?

1, dark chocolate

Want to enjoy chocolate snacks between meals? You can eat a small box or two small box size dark chocolate. In one study, chocolate lovers who had eaten dark chocolate had eaten 15% less pizza a few hours later than those who had milk chocolate. Because dark chocolate can suppress appetite to some extent.

2, beans

Beans are an important source of protein. Beans are not only cheap, they are full, and they have many uses. Beans are very rich in fiber, and beans are slower to digest, so it means that you can feel full for a long time, which will prevent you from eating more food.

3, soup

If you have a cup of soup before eating, you may eat less. Whether it is thick soup or ordinary soup, as long as the broth is soup base. You have to keep the soup intake between 100-150 calories, so skip cream and butter.

4. Eggs and sausages

A protein-rich breakfast can help you resist the temptation of snacks. In studying a group of obese young women, those who consumed 35 grams of protein at the beginning of the day may feel more fulfilled than you eat. The woman had a 350-calorie breakfast, including eggs and beef sausage patties. The effect of this high-protein breakfast continued until the evening when the woman ate less fat and sugar than those who ate the breakfast cereal.


5, vegetable mud

In your daily diet, you can add more vegetables to your diet and enjoy this food while also reducing your calorie intake. When researchers at the University of Pennsylvania added cauliflower and zucchini to cheese pasta, people seemed to love it. However, they consumed less than 200-350 calories.

6, Apple

Eat an apple directly instead of apple juice or apple sauce. Because the raw fruit has more fiber, and the chewing action sends a signal to your brain that you have already eaten something substantial.

7, nuts

Research shows that when people eat nuts, they automatically eat less when they eat later.

8, grapefruit

Researchers at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that when obese people eat half a grapefruit before each meal, their weight dropped by an average of three and a half pounds in 12 weeks. Drinking grapefruit juice has the same result. But grapefruit juice does not have any recognized "fat burning" properties, it may just help people feel full.

9, yogurt

A Harvard study followed more than 120,000 people in a decade or more. Research shows that yogurt and weight loss are the most closely related. Yogurt is good for thin waist.

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