There is a taboo on the use of carbon dioxide fertilizer

The application concentration of carbon dioxide gas fertilizer has a lot to do with crop types, varieties, light intensity, temperature, and even fertilizer and water supply conditions. The following issues must be paid attention to in the specific application:

In the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, it is generally applied after the establishment of the slow-growing seedlings, until the harvest is stopped a few days before the end of harvest, can not be abandoned halfway.

The effect of gas fertilizer application at the seedling stage is obvious, which is conducive to cultivating strong seedlings, shortening the seedling age, accelerating the development of seedlings, and promoting flower bud differentiation of fruit and vegetable vegetables. The effect of improving early production is very obvious.

Leaf vegetable vegetables need more carbon dioxide than fruit vegetables, and they can usually be seen after 10 days of continuous application.

For fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., from the planting to the flowering period can be applied less gas fertilizer, proper control of vegetative growth, strengthen pruning leaves, flowers and fruits. The effect of applying carbon dioxide during flowering to fruit enlargement is the best, which can accelerate the process of fruit enlargement and maturation, reduce the occurrence of malformed fruit, and improve the early yield and the commercial nature of vegetables. Generally, the effect can be seen within 10 to 20 days.

The application of carbon dioxide within the facility requires a good airtight performance of the facility structure. If the ground temperature or the air temperature in the facility is too low, the effect of adding gas fertilizer is not significant, and the application can be suspended.

The addition of gas fertilizer basically does not change the original field management method, but due to the vigorous growth of crops after the addition of gas fertilizer, the water and fertilizer supply should be increased appropriately, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be increased, and nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled appropriately.

In order to achieve the purpose of increasing production and cost, and at the same time preventing the high concentration of carbon dioxide from harming crops, the concentration should be controlled below the saturation point of crop demand, generally not exceeding 100010-6. Every day, the amount of carbon dioxide released should be flexibly controlled, and sunny days should be fully applied. Cloudy weather can be reduced by 20% to 30%. On cloudy days, it can generally be reduced by 50% compared with the sunny days. Rain and snow can be stopped.

Continuous application is better than intermittent application and time-stopping. During the deep winter period, carbon dioxide shall be continuously applied except for rain and snow. It shall not be terminated abruptly.

Breathing System

For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:
Diseases and conditions of the respiratory system fall into two categories: Viruses such as influenza, bacterial pneumonia and the new enterovirus respiratory virus that has been diagnosed in children; and chronic diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). According to Dr. Neal Chaisson, who practices pulmonary medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, there is not much that can be done for viral infections but to let them run their course. "Antibiotics are not effective in treating viruses and the best thing to do is just rest," he said.

COPD is the intersection of three related conditions - chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma and emphysema, Chaisson told Live Science. It is a progressive disease that makes it increasingly difficult for sufferers to breath.

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes coughing, wheezing, chest tightness or shortness of breath, according to Tonya Winders, president of the Allergy & Asthma Network. These signs and symptoms may be worse when a person is exposed to their triggers, which can include air pollution, tobacco smoke, factory fumes, cleaning solvents, infections, pollens, foods, cold air, exercise, chemicals and medications.

Lung cancer is often associated with smoking, but the disease can affect non-smokers as well. Every year, about 16,000 to 24,000 Americans die of lung cancer, even though they have never smoked, according to the American Cancer Society. Like all cancers, lung cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.

Breathing System,Dextromethorphan Medicine,Ambroxol Medicine