Nutritional Disorder of Eggplant and Its Control Measures

Eggplant needs to absorb many nutrients during its growth and development. The physiological disease caused by the lack of certain nutrients in eggplant is called deficiency syndrome or nutritional disorders.

In the case of nitrogen deficiency in eggplants, the leaf color becomes pale, the old leaves yellow, and when the eggplants are dry, the buds stop growing and turn yellow, and the heart leaves become smaller. Preventive and remedial measures: When preparing soil, apply basal fertilizer, especially high-quality farmyard manure; avoid eggplant water during the growth period of eggplant; find nitrogen deficiency, apply topdressing nitrogen fertilizer such as urea and ammonium bicarbonate or human waste, or use 0.3 -0.5% urea solution foliar spray.

Phosphorus-deficient eggplants lack phosphorus, the stems are slender, the fibers are well developed, the flower buds differentiate and the result period is extended, the leaves become smaller, the color becomes darker, and the veins become red. Prevention and remedial measures: Before planting, adequate calcium superphosphate or diammonium phosphate is used as base fertilizer; Phosphorus deficiency is found during the growth period, and spraying with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or 0.5% superphosphate calcium leachate.

When the potassium deficiency of eggplant is deficient in potassium, the initial heart leaves become smaller, the growth is slower, and the leaf color becomes lighter; in the later period, the veins are chlorosis, yellow-white patches appear, and the leaf edge of the leaf tip becomes dry. In production, the potassium deficiency in eggplant is rare. Prevention and remedial measures: mainly potassium fertilizer and organic fertilizer, generally available per 667 square meters of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride 10-15 kg, on both sides of the plant ditching topdressing; also available 0.2-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate Solution or 10% ash leaching liquid foliar spray.

When the eggplant lacks calcium, the plant growth is slow, the growth point is malformed, the young leaf margin is chlorotic, and the reticular veins of the leaves turn brown and show rust-like leaves. Preventive and remedial measures: Watering and fertilizing on time; finding calcium deficiency, applying calcium fertilizer in time, or spraying with full-water-soluble Merrill Caustic soda.

Magnesium-deficient barrier eggplants lack magnesium, near the veins, especially near the main vein yellowing, leaves chlorosis, small fruit, poor development. Magnesium deficiency in eggplant is more common in production. Preventive and remedial measures: Increase the use of magnesium-containing fertilizers, such as magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, magnesium nitrate, magnesium oxide, potassium magnesium fertilizer, etc. These fertilizers are soluble in water and are easily absorbed and utilized; When magnesium is used, it is sprayed with 1-3% magnesium sulfate or 1% magnesium nitrate solution.

Iron deficiency iron deficiency in the eggplant, young leaves and new leaves were yellow-white, veins left green. Iron deficiency often occurs in soils that are acidic, fertile, and humid. Preventive and remedial measures: When the eggplant is growing or when iron deficiency is found, it is sprayed with 0.5-1% ferrous sulfate solution.

Deficiency of Boron Deficiency When eggplant is deficient in boron, the top leaves are yellow and wither, the top stems and petioles are broken, the interiors are darkened, and the stems have cracks in the form of cork. Remedial measures: Boron deficiency was found and foliar spray with 0.05-0.1% red A boron solution was applied in time.

Manganese deficiency, lack of manganese eggplant, the new veins are yellow-green, soon turn brown, veins are still green. Preventive and remedial measures: During the growth period of eggplant, plants were found to be deficient in manganese and sprayed with 1% manganese sulfate solution.

Zinc deficiency, eggplant, zinc deficiency, the leaves are clustered, the new leaf occurs on the macula, and gradually developed to the leaf margin, resulting in whole leaf yellowing. Prevention and remedial measures: When the eggplant is growing or when zinc deficiency is found in the plant, it is sprayed with 0.1% zinc sulfate solution.

In the absence of molybdenum-impaired eggplant, mottled eggplant lacks molybdenum, and from the beginning of fruit enlargement, yellow spots occur between the veins and the leaf margin curls to the inside. Prevention and remedial measures: When eggplants are growing or when molybdenum is found, they are sprayed with 0.01-0.1% ammonium molybdate solution.


Amprolium 20% water soluble powder

For Veterinary Use Only


Active ingredients: Each 1g contains Amprolium Hydrochloride 200mg.

Excipents: Anhydrous glucose


A white or almost white powder.


Amprolium have a role in variety of chicken coccidiosis, in which to Eimeria tenella and E.acervulina the role of the strongest type of reactor, for E. necatrix, E.brunetti, E. maxima and E.Nitis the role is weaker. Amprolium play a major role in the first- generation of propagules coccidia, prevent the formation of merozoites, the role of the peak in the first three days after infection. In addition, some inhibitory effect on sexual reproductive stage fg sporozoites. It can be used for prevention and treatment of coccidiosis. This drug is a vitamin B1 or thiamine structural analogue, 


Chicken, lambs and calves.


Amprolium Powder is intended for the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis in chicken and cattle


Usually administered as mixed water or mixed feed.

Chicken: 240mg amprolium hydrochloride per 1 liter drinking water for 5-7 days.

Lambs: 50-100mg amprolium hydrochloride/kg bodyweight daily for 4 days. By mixed feed.

Calves: 25-50mg amprolium hydrochloride/kg bodyweight, 1-2 times daily, for 5 days. By mixed feed or oral irrigation.

Disable the laying period.


Do not administer to debilitated animals.


Suitable for use in pregnant and lactating animals.

Disable the laying period.


Toxicity is observed only at high doses. CNS signs are caused by thiamine deficiency, which may be reversed by adding thiamine to the diet.




To treat amprolium overdose, thiamine should be administered parenterally or orally.


For meat consumption: 7 days before slaughter.


Store in a tightly sealed container, protected from light, and at room temperature.


3 years.




A white or almost white powder sealed with Aluminum foil bag, packaged in cartons.


Name: Hebei Kexing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Address: No.114 Changsheng Street, Luquan Development Zone, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei, China

Amprolium HCL Powder

Amprolium Hcl Powder,Amprolium Powder,Poultry Medicine Amprolium Powder,Amprolium Hcl Powder For Animal

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