Cotton bell soft rot

Symptoms occur in the Yangtze River basin in China. The main damage is cotton bolls. The diseased bell is born with dark blue or brown lesions, and then expands soft rot to produce a large number of white filamentous hyphae. Gradual changes are grayish black, and the top black granules are the pathogenic fruiting bodies. The cotton bolls were cut open, showing a wet rot, affecting cotton quality and fiber strength. The disease mostly occurs on cotton bolls that are eaten by corn, and the condition spreads quickly, causing the whole bell to rot or shrink.

Pathogen Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb. et Fr.) Vuill. The mycelium was spread on the surface or inside of the cotton boll. The mycelium was developed with branches, and 2-3 cyst stalks were clustered on the pseudo-root and the sporangium was produced on the top. The sporangia are dark brown and spherical, producing large numbers of cyst spores. Cyst spores spherical or polygonal to fusiform, unit cells, gray or brown, size 11-14 μm. Brewing temperature limit 1.5-33 °C, 26-29 °C development best, 35 °C died after 10 minutes. The spores are black-colored and the surface is protuberant. The best development is at 23-25°C, which is lower than 6.5°C and higher than 30.7, and the bacterium has strong rot.

Transmission routes and pathogenic conditions The pathogens are weakly parasitized and distributed widely. Except for parasitization on cotton bolls, they can live on mycelium rot in succulent vegetable residues, and spore pouches can be produced in late spring conditions to release cyst spores. Depending on the spread of wind and rain, the bacteria invade from wounds or weakened life or suffer from cold damage. The bacteria secrete pectinase and has a paste-like pathogenic tissue. It produces large numbers of sporangia and cyst spores at the breach. , reinfection. Temperature 23-28 °C, relative humidity higher than 80% susceptible to disease; rain water or flood irrigation, field humidity, pruning is not timely, between the strains closed, boll wounds often heavy.

Prevention methods (1) Strengthen fertilizer and water management, properly close planting, timely pruning or removal of the old leaves in the lower part to maintain ventilation and light transmission. (2) Drain the water in time after the rain. It is forbidden to flood the water to prevent the moisture from staying. (3) Spray 30% alkaline copper sulfate (Green Debao) 400-500 times liquid or 77% to kill wettable particulate powder 500 times, 50% copper citrate copper wettable powder 500 times at the beginning of the disease. Liquid, 14% solution of ammonia, 300 times liquid, 50% mixed sulfuric acid suspension, 500 times, 36% thiophanate-methyl suspension, 600 times, 56% water dispersion, microparticles, 700-800 times , 47% Garethon wettable powder 800-1000 times liquid, spray a good liquid for every 667m2 60L, every 10 days or so, control 2-3 times.

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