Watch out for eggplant in the rainy season

In summer, eggplant is prone to epidemic of M. blight in hot and rainy conditions, and there is a lot of rotten fruit. We must take timely measures to prevent and cure it.

1, strengthen the cultivation and management. At the onset of the rainy season, clean the furrows, drain them in time after the rain, and lightly feed well water to prevent heat and rain. The diseased leaves and diseased fruits are removed timely and concentrated or burned to reduce the re-infection of pathogenic bacteria.

2, pharmaceutical protection. Spraying before onset or early onset of the disease, focusing on the protection of the plant's lower part of the eggplant, and pay attention to spraying the ground, the rainy season but also sprayed to protect the twigs. The agent can be used 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times, 64% WP 500 times, 65% Zn WP 500 times, 72.2% Proc 800 times, 1:1 : 200 Bordeaux mixture, alternating use, 7-10 days, even spray 3-4 times, have good control effect.


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