The storage and transportation conditions of pepper

Pepper is native to tropical China, the United States, and South America. It is a high-temperature vegetable. Compared with other vegetables, it is not tolerant to low temperatures. It is crushed once it is frosted, and it is damaged at 4.5°C to -15°C. The temperature should be above 16°C and the night temperature should be high, otherwise the crop cannot be cultivated. Pepper grows green during growth to maturity and turns red when fully mature. First, the quality of the method to distinguish the appearance of bright, full of meat, the incision does not change color is good, withered around the bracts, pedicel Department of mildew, gray softening is a bad thing, can not be stored and transported. Pepper is a green skin, but if it turns reddish purple and its freshness is good, it is genuine. Second, storage and transportation requirements to select clean, fresh, intact, mature, no spots, no abnormal odor, no pests, no rot, mildew, no cold injury of the pepper even picking. After harvest, such as long-term storage in the 15 °C --18 °C environment, due to high temperature chlorophyll reduction, green fade, the skin becomes red, pepper soon over-aging aging phenomenon. Stored at 0 °C - 6 °C ambient temperature, short-term pepper seeds brown, blight discoloration, skin surface depression, water softening, and developed to a typical rust symptoms. The pepper itself is a high-temperature vegetable and should be stored and transported at a higher temperature, but this temperature is exactly the same as the temperature at which the mold propagates. Therefore, if an effective pest control strategy is not established, storage will not be successful. General storage conditions: temperature 8°C--10°C, relative humidity 90%--95%; recommended storage temperature: 80°C--12°C; freezing point: -0.7°C; moisture content: 92.5% Specific gravity: stacking box 180 kg/m3 - 220 kg/m3, volume approximately 280 kg/m3. Shelf life: 8°C - 10°C/10 days - 14 days; 10°C - 14°C/6 days - 10 days; 14°C - 20°C/2 days - 6 days.