High quality, high yield, and fertilization of grapes

Grapes are one of the tree species that require the largest amount of fertilizers in fruit trees. The amount of fertilizers meets the requirements for the growth period of grapes, and it can lay the material foundation for high yield and fruit quality. Grapes are no exception during the growth cycle. The original nutrients in the soil alone are not enough and must be supplemented with fertilization.

How to fertilize, from a few aspects to make a presentation:

I. Fertilizer supplement

(1) Organic fertilizer: The application amount is 1.5-2 times of the yield. The production of 100 kg of fresh fruit requires 150-200 kg of organic fertilizer and 3,000 kg of mu. It requires 4,500-6000 kg of organic fertilizer.

(2) Inorganic Fertilizers: Chemical fertilizers and mineral fertilizers. The common characteristics of fertilizers are quick, and fertilizers tend to make soil compaction. Moreover, the contents of boron, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, etc. necessary for grapes are very low.

(C) biological bacterial fertilizer: a variety of beneficial biological bacteria, activate the soil, activate the soil of a variety of nutrients, the lack of increased soil organic matter and available nutrients.

Taking the above factors into consideration, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Sanmenxia Sanyuanxia Plant in Sanmenxia have adopted high-tech to develop a large tri-element organic-inorganic bio-fertilizer, organically combining the three types of fertilizers with high-tech means, and displaying fruit plumpness and spicateness on grapes. Good shape, good color, high sugar content, and high yield have become the preferred fertilizers for high quality and high yield in grape growing areas.

Second, the amount of fertilizer and time

1. Fertilizer amount: In addition to organic fertilizer, to calculate 3000 kg per mu, it is necessary to apply 15-30 kg pure nitrogen, 6-12 kg of phosphorus pentoxide, 15-30 kg of potassium, iron, zinc, boron and magnesium. Trace elements. Big three organic and inorganic biological bacterial fertilizers, according to the use of 50% nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus utilization of 25%, potassium utilization rate of 60%. The amount of grapes absorbed and the amount of soil supply were analyzed by the leaves. It was determined by the soil testing analysis that 150-200 kilograms of large three-element fertilizers could be used as base fertilizer. The amount of top-dressing is different from the top-dressing period in terms of yield and tree vigor.

2. Fertilization period and method

Basal fertilizer: The earlier the grape is harvested, the sooner it is applied before the soil is frozen, the better it will be. It will help the root system absorb and accumulate, which will help flower bud differentiation and also provide adequate nutrition for germination in the coming year.

Top dressing: The first time before shoot top dressing: It has an effect on flower spike differentiation and early growth. It is dominated by large nitrogen fertilizers with high nitrogen content. This fertilizer accounts for 1/3-1/2 of the annual fertilizing amount. 1.5 pounds. The second top-dressing: In the middle and late June, the fruit enlargement period. This fertilizer is very important for growth and fruit set. It can account for half of the annual N fertilization, and still use the big three-element fertilizer. The strain applied 0.5-1 kg. The third grouting fertilizer: The grapes are mainly calcium and potassium fertilizers before they mature in the middle and late July. The plant applies potassium sulfate or 0.5-1.5 kg of silicon, calcium, calcium, and potassium fertilizers. Water each time after top dressing.

Fertilization methods can be used for radial groove, well word fertilizer, applicator, ring groove and so on.

Third, the root spray fertilizer: foliar spray fertilizer can be used fruity friends amino acid 400 times and 600 times the calcium lactate solution, can also choose to use Sonic boron and other trace element fertilizer spray.

Fourth, the main smear: the use of Fruit Friends amino acid nutrient solution of the main trunk, 3 times in a row, once every 10 days, direct absorption, strong tree vigor, play a role in cold resistance.

The red grape in our province has developed rapidly and its area has increased year by year. The red grape needs to be enlarged. The single grain is more than 12 grams. It is required to seize the above fertilization period and apply fertilization, combined with comprehensive measures to achieve a single grain weight. More than 12 grams.