The health benefits and effects of barley

Barley originated from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is the fifth largest crop in the world. It has been used in China for several thousand years. Today, the main use of barley is winemaking. Traditional beer and whiskey are brewed using barley malt as the main raw material.

nutrient content

Barley contains starch, protein, fat, sugar, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

health benefits

Cool and sweet.

The pharmaceutical industry recognizes that barley has a high pharmacological effect. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Barley has a wide chest and air, cooling blood. Malt digests all the rice food products." Barley has the characteristics of "three highs and two lows", namely high protein, High dietary fiber, high vitamin, low fat, low sugar. Therefore it is an ideal health food.

Vitamin E rich in barley can prevent aging, protect the skin, and is also effective in promoting blood circulation. Using barley soy sauce to wash the face, hands and feet can prevent and treat skin chapped.

Barley can be used to cool off the heat. The fried tea with barley is barley tea. It is a very good summer refreshing drink in summer.

Barley can treat duodenal ulcers and gastritis and other diseases, and has the effects of digestion, back milk, and elimination of edema. Eating barley can eliminate the symptoms of fullness.

Barley has warm air, warm stomach, broken air, to abdominal distension and other effects, suitable for abdominal distension caused by spleen and stomach Deficiency, abdominal pain embolism.

Barley's soluble dietary fiber content is higher than wheat and oats and can effectively reduce human cholesterol.

The barley is fried black, powdered, reconstituted with sesame oil, and applied to the affected area daily to cure scalds.

For people

Most people are edible, 50 grams per meal. Pregnant women try not to drink barley tea.

Nutrition trap

Women should not eat barley malt during pregnancy and during breast-feeding because the barley malt can return milk or reduce milk secretion. When using malt, you must be careful that the use of too little or too little sprouting can affect the efficacy. Taking barley that does not grow buds not only does not have the effect of returning milk, but can increase the secretion of milk.

Nutrition recipes

Barley can be cooked in porridge, breaded, or boiled. It can also be processed into cereals, malted, malt-produced, maltose, and other foods. It can also be made into tea, such as barley malt and tea. .

1 barley mutton porridge

Raw materials: 100 grams of barley, 100 grams of lamb, 6 grams of grass, 3 grams of ginger.

Method: Shredded lamb, ginger slices, and Caoguo with the wok Jiantang. Soaked barley soaked, washed with soup broth after cooking, add salt seasoning Serve.

Efficacy: It can be used as a dietary porridge for abdominal pain, diarrhea, loose stools, etc.

2 barley tea

Raw materials: 30 grams of malt, 8 grams of tea.

Method: The barley malt and tea are simmered with coke and then mixed with boiled water.

Efficacy: It can be used as a diet beverage for children with diarrhea.