High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Big Fruit Four Seasons Strawberry

Seiwa and Meddlett are two large fruit-type and new varieties of strawberry in China and Rizhao. The two species are blooming in four seasons, and the results of the month and month are fruitful, especially in the fall season (before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day). Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, the fruits can be produced with sweet taste and good quality, completely solving the strawberry. In spring, the market is over concentrated, but in the summer and autumn, there is no problem of edible strawberries, and the annual production of strawberries is achieved. This is the ideal variety for the current generation of strawberry production. Due to its strong disease resistance and wide adaptability, it is suitable for cultivation in spring, summer and autumn, and also suitable for cultivation in winter. It has high yield, quick effect and good economic benefits, and is well received by farmers all over the country. First, the garden selection and preparation before the four seasons to prepare strawberries like fertilizer, hi water, hi light, but also afraid of embarrassment, fear of drought. Therefore, in the cultivation, sandy soil or neutral soil with sufficient sunshine, smooth ground, loose soil, and good drainage and irrigation conditions can be selected. The soil pH value of 5.5-6.5 is most suitable. It is best to use organic fertilizer or modified Gaza for planting clay loam. Before planting, apply 3,000 to 5,000 kilograms of high-quality organic fertilizer per acre, and add 50 kilograms of compound fertilizer at the same time. Till about 30 centimeters after fertilization, let the soil be fully mixed, and squat or ridge after sinking. There are two main methods for squatting and ridging: 1. Planting ridges. In order to facilitate watering management, 畦 can not be too long, too wide, generally 畦 width 1.2 ~ 1.5 meters (planting 3 ~ 4 lines), length 10 ~ 20 meters, 畦埂 height 15 cm, 畦 畦 畦 畦 畦 耙 耙 耙, 耙 待 待 待 待 待. 2 ridge planting. When planting in low-lying land, poorly-drained land, and winter protected land, ridges can be planted, ridge height 15 to 20 cm, ridge top width 40 to 50 cm (planted 2 rows), bottom width 60 to 70 cm, ridge room The ditch is 15-20 cm wide. Do a small amount of water or appropriate repression after the ridges and ridges to make the soil sink. Second, planting technology Planting time is generally planted in spring and autumn. Winter greenhouses can also be planted in winter. Spring planting is generally in mid-to late March and early April, and autumn is planted in mid-late August to mid-to-late October. 2. The selection of seedlings for planting strong seedlings is the key to the premature and high yield of four-season strawberry. General requirements of planting seedlings with 4 to 6 large leaves, petiole, roots, stems thick, no pests l ~ 2 generation seedlings. 3. Planting density and depth to ensure the growth and development of the four seasons strawberry, maintain good ventilation and light conditions and larger soil nutrient area, in order to continuously produce high-quality large fruit, planting can not be too dense, the spacing can be controlled at 30 to 40 cm 40 ~50 cm, in the form of a triangular plant, planting 8000 to 11000 plants per acre. When planting, neither should be too deep nor too shallow, so that "shallow does not reveal its roots, and it is not deeply buried." Third, post-plant management The control of weeds and strawberries in the field to fight water, contend for light, and compete for nutrients in strawberry fields will reduce the production and quality of strawberries. Therefore, the prevention and control of weeds is not only one of the important tasks in the management of the strawberry farm, but also an important guarantee for the production of high quality and large fruit strawberries. Weeding in the field can be carried out by comprehensive measures such as manual weeding, grass mulching, and crop rotation. In order to reduce employment, weeding herbicides should be the mainstay. 2. Fertilizer and water management As the four seasons of strawberries can continuously bloom during the year, more nutrition is needed throughout the growing season. Therefore, in the growing season, it is necessary to topically apply fertilizer and foliar spray fertilizer several times, and in particular, the strawberry garden with insufficient input of base fertilizer before planting is more necessary for the top-dressing work. Underground fertilizer is usually applied 4 to 6 times a year. Each time, about 50 kg of compound fertilizer or multiple compound fertilizer is applied per acre. When fertilizing, the fertilizer is evenly spread in the strawberry bowl. Watering is timely after top dressing, and fertilizer should not be withdrawn from the heart of the strawberry. Inside, so as not to burn young leaves. 3. Sparse flower setting Four seasons of strawberry can be flowered after about 60 days. In order to produce high quality and large fruit, high yield and high efficiency, it is necessary to plant strong seedlings and raise large seedlings; especially for seedlings planted in the spring, the seedlings must be raised and cultivated before the results. Early attention should be paid to the timely removal of flower buds and stolons, and leave flowering results when the length of the seedling crown is 30 to 40 cm. At the flowering stage, 4 to 5 early flowers and large flowers are kept each time, and small flowers and late flowers are eliminated. The earlier the sparse time, the better. After fruiting, remove small fruits and deformed fruit, and keep 3 to 4 large fruits per plant. After the previous fruit ripening, another 4 to 5 large flowers were selected to maintain continuous flowering results. 4. Removal of stolons and old leaves ensures high yields and continuous results in order to reduce nutrient consumption. The stems are removed during the growing season. Early removal of stolons can increase strawberry production by about 20%. 5. After flowering, the fruit of the strawberry is in bloom. As the fruit grows, the inflorescence gradually descends and touches the ground and is easily contaminated by the soil. It not only affects the coloration and quality, but also causes rot. Therefore, the strawberry garden not covered with plastic film should be in bloom. After ~3 weeks, grass is planted between the strawberry plants and placed under the fruit, or the straw is surrounded by grass and the fruit is placed on the grass circle. Fourth, the winter management of the four seasons strawberries as long as the temperature is appropriate, can be the anniversary of the flowering results. Therefore, the production can be cultivated in the spring, summer and autumn. In mid-to late October, when the temperature drops to 5 to 7°C, the shed should be promptly capped to ensure its continuous flowering. The management of greenhouses is the same as that of ordinary strawberries.