Prevention and treatment of pear hibiscus

P. edulis is one of the major pests in the nation's pear trees. It damages the leaves and shoots with nymphs and adults, and sucks leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to seize the key period for prevention and treatment. During the wintering period, the orchards were cleared to remove litter and weeds, and the cracked bark was scraped to reduce the number of overwintering populations. At the beginning of March (temperature of 0°C or higher), the limping limonia began to move and the worm body was weak. Focus on prevention and treatment 1-2 times, can effectively kill overwintering adults. The commonly used agents are 28% thiocyanate 2000 times fluid or 25% acetic acid wettable powder l500 times fluid plus 40% omethoate EC 800 times fluid. The nymphal stage is usually sprayed at 2/3 of pears and can effectively control nymph damage. The selected pharmaceuticals include 28% thioanisole emulsifiable concentrate or 20% extinguishment and 2000-times solution, 20% exfoliate 3000-times solution, 28% pear-star or 20% pear-lark net l000-1500 times, and the rotation effect is good. The hatching period of eggs is about mid-May. This time is the critical period for spraying. This time, the conditions for prevention and control are good, which can basically control the occurrence of pear crickets throughout the year and reduce the damage. China Agricultural Network Editor

Fruit Juice Concentrate

N&R Bio Industries Inc. (Xi'an) ,