Skillfully using winter warm greenhouse to cultivate summer tomato

Winter and winter greenhouse cucumber production starts from mid-September to late June, and summer tomato is produced from July to October. After the tomato is harvested, the winter and spring cucumbers are planted, and two crops are harvested in one year. 3000 to 5000 yuan.

1. Sturdy shed body and gauze sealing vents

The shed body and the roof surface should be strong, and the shed film is complete and does not leak rain. The ventilating vent of the shed is sealed from east to west with a 1 m wide gauze. The vent film of the vent of the south slope is rolled up by 1 m high, sealed with gauze, and the gutter net is shed to form a well ventilated. The enclosed greenhouse can be selected from the color of the gauze except yellow.

Second, choose the appropriate fine varieties

The selected varieties should be mainly resistant to heat, moisture and anti-virus. Suitable varieties for summer greenhouse production include 401, Xifen 3, Jiafen 10, 15 and L-402.

Third, timely sowing, cultivating strong seedlings

(1) The best sowing date for summer seedlings in the sowing period is mid-May, and the seedling age is generally 20 days.

(2) Seed treatment First, soak the seeds in cold water for 6-8 hours, wait for the water to be absorbed, soften the seed coat, soak it with 10% trisodium phosphate for 10 minutes, rinse with water, and germination at 30 °C.

(3) Seedling raising method Seedling bed seedlings outside the greenhouse, preparing nutrient soil, disinfecting the soil, then flattening the nutrient soil to the surface of 10cm, pouring water on the surface, spraying 2 to 4 grams of dwarf medicine powder per square meter, will sprout The seeds were spread on the seedbed, covered with soil 1 cm, and then mixed with 0.2 ml of herbicide per square meter and mixed with the herbicide to cover the herbicide soil 0.5 cm. After the arch frame on the seedbed, covered with gauze seals the surface to cultivate disease-free seedlings.

(4) Seedbed management 1 After emergence and time seedlings, the seedlings are 4 to 8 cm in length, and the membranes are protected from rain and rain during heavy rain. 2 prevention of pests and diseases, when the seedling height is 3 to 5 cm, the sprayed fruit is 500 times liquid, and the antiviral disease (virus A, virus spirit, virus clear, etc.) is sprayed once before transplanting. 3 In the afternoon of 3rd leaf stage, spray 0.3% urea or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, spray once every 5 to 7 days, and spray 3 times.

Fourth, do the soil preparation, apply enough fertilizer

After the cucumber is plucked in late June, the cucumber ridges are removed one by one to form the noodles, and the three-element compound fertilizer is applied, 50 kg per mu, 50 kg of calcium active fertilizer, 25 cm deep, flattened, and planted with tomatoes. seedling.

V. Proper planting

Planting summer tomatoes in winter greenhouses is from June 30 to July 5, when the seedlings reach 5-6 leaves, the plant spacing is 30 cm, the row spacing is 60 cm, and each row is transplanted two rows. When transplanting, the roots of the seedlings are southward, and the head is inclined to the north by 45 °C to facilitate rooting. After planting, the seedling water is poured, the temperature is 26~30°C during the day, 20°C at night, 5~7 days after planting, and the seedling is 1-2 times.

Sixth, strong seedlings

Due to the high temperature in summer, the humidity is high, the light is weak, the plant is easy to be steep and long, and the falling flowers and fruit are serious. After the seedlings are slowed down, the roots of Dwarf Fengling are firstly watered, and 50 grams of powder per 50 grams of powder is mixed with 0.5 kg of water per plant, which is directly poured into the roots.

Seven, field management

(1) The temperature is generally controlled at 26~30°C during the day and 20~24°C at night. In order to reduce the temperature of the shed, the sealing vents of the skylight gauze on the back slope of the greenhouse are enlarged, and the vents on the south slope are also ventilated day and night. In order to reduce the ground temperature in the shed, the ground is covered with wheat straw and weed cover ridges. It is more effective to lay a 20 cm diameter agricultural film bucket bag between the ridges. The back-shaped shape is laid between the two rows of plants, and the irrigation water circulation is lowered. Mild air temperature.

(2) The illumination in the light shed can generally meet the requirements. From August to September, the shed film dust should be cleaned frequently to increase the light intensity.

(3) Fertilizer and water management Tomato seedlings need less fertilizer and water. Before the first ear fruits sit, they usually do not water and do not fertilize. When the first ear fruit grows to the size of the walnut, the fertilizer is applied in combination with the watering, and 20 kg of the three-element compound fertilizer is applied per mu. After each time, sit on a layer of fruit topdressing and watering once, keep the soil dry and balanced, and spray the foliar fertilizer every 7 to 10 days, such as photosynthetic micro-fertilizer 200 times liquid, or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, urea and so on.

(4) Flower preserved fruit In the summer shed, the tomato needs to use 20ppm, 2.4-D or anti-fallin, plus 5ppm of gibberellin to preserve the fruit, every morning. The first ear retains 2 fruits, and the second ear retains 3 fruits. Each plant leaves 3 fruits. Each plant leaves 4 to 5 ears and then tops the heart. The rest of the flowers are all thinned out.

(5) The tomato in the greenhouse is planted on a single-row pruning, and the side branches are removed in time. The fine linen rope is used to hang the vines, and the row spacing is kept clear.

(6) Pest control The main pests and diseases are: virus disease, leaf mold, early blight, late blight, cabbage caterpillar, leaf miner, aphid and so on. The disease can be sprayed with nail cream, manganese zinc, 500 times liquid, or can kill 500 times liquid, insect pests can be sprayed to kill cockroaches, Wanling, Xinle and other 2000 times liquid. Once every 7 days, even spray 2 times, stop spraying 7 days before harvest.

(7) Receiving and arranging in the middle of September in the shed outside the shed, the winter cucumber seedlings, grafting the melon seedlings in the arch shed, after the tomato is harvested in mid-October, plucking, soil preparation, fertilization, changing the greenhouse film, after sterilization Colonization of wintering cucumbers.

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