Five situations do not pig

First, after eating satiety pigs increased intra-abdominal pressure after eating satiety, can easily cause incarceration of the bowel or uterine horn, or intestine into the scrotum.

Second, diseased pigs that are cut by diseased pigs will reduce their disease resistance, aggravate the disease, and even cause death.

Third, estrus sow sows in the genital genital congestion, castration will cause massive bleeding.

Fourth, the newly purchased pigs' long-distance transportation and the stress caused by changes in the growth environment have a certain stimulatory effect on the newly purchased pigs. If they are immediately castrated, the stressors will be superimposed and acute deaths will occur.

5. Weaners of weaned piglets are themselves weaned, and stressors that are divorced or regrouped, etc., if they are weaned, will aggravate their stimuli and increase piglet weaning pig disease and piglet edema after weaning. Wait for the onset of stress disease.

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