Hawthorn Dryness Efficacy and Function

Hawthorn dry with chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, crataegolic acid, geranioli acid, quercetin, ursolic acid, oleanolic acid, hyperin, epicatechin Fine (epicatechin) and so on. It is the fruit of the Rosaceae hawthorn, red mountain or wild hawthorn. Mainly produced in Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places.

The main component of dried hawthorn is flavonoids, which have obvious pharmacological effects on the cardiovascular system. At present, there are more than 30 kinds of flavonoids isolated from hawthorn, mainly containing carbon-bonded flavonoid glycosides, flavonols and their glycosides, flavonoid glycosides, and polymeric flavonoids. The other important component is triterpenoids, which have a strong heart, increased coronary blood flow, and improved blood circulation. In addition, hawthorn contains organic acids such as chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and tannin, acetic anhydride, epicatechin, choline, acetylcholine, β-sitosterol, carotene, and a large amount of Vit C.

【Tropism of taste】

Pickle, sweet, lukewarm. Spleen, stomach, liver.

【Function Indications】

Appetizers and digestion, stagnation and elimination of product, promoting blood stasis, phlegm and qi. For meat stagnation, dysentery accumulation, abdominal distention, fullness, abdominal pain, phlegm, diarrhea, intestinal wind and blood.


Raw food, decoction, or juice. 10-30 grams each time. Clinical application

1, treatment of indigestion: coke hawthorn 10 grams, add powder amount of brown sugar into the end, into the water, 3 times a day. Or raw Hawthorn 10 grams, 10 grams of fried malt, Shuijianbi, 2 times a day.

2, treatment of high blood pressure, pharyngeal headache, hot summer thirst: Hawthorn 15 grams, 50 grams of fresh lotus leaf, Jianshui tea drink.

3, the beginning of dysentery treatment: Hawthorn 30 grams, 15 grams of red and white sucrose, water brewing fine tea 5 grams of Beverage Service.

4, treatment of hyperlipidemia: Hawthorn 10 grams, 10 grams of chrysanthemum, 15 grams of cassia, a little fried tea, a day, once a day.

5, postpartum abdominal pain treatment: Hawthorn 30 grams, 15 grams of Cyperus. Concoction service 2 times a day.

6, treatment of amenorrhea: Hawthorn 60 grams, chicken 10 grams, 10 grams of safflower, 30 grams of brown sugar, 1 daily decoction.

7, menstrual disorders caused by cervical cancer and pain: Hawthorn 50 grams, 3 grams of safflower, herring 1 (about 1000 grams), peanut oil 1000 ml, 30 grams of brown sugar, sugar, salt, sesame oil, starch, ginger, Onion amount. Hawthorn, saffron, brown sugar, frying juice spare. Wash the herring, stir the starch with water, and wipe it on both sides of the fish. Put the oil into the pan until July 8th, set the fish in a pan, fry until golden brown, and remove and set aside. Finally, take 50 milliliters of sesame oil and cook it in a pot. Add hawthorn juice, a small amount of vinegar, and red, white sugar, salt, and starch. Make it a spade. Mix it a little, add a little ginger and diced green onion, and then pour on the fish. , you can eat meal.

Hawthorn dry drug effect:

1, anti-cancer, anti-cancer

Recent studies have found that hawthorn contains a compound called vitexin, which has anti-cancer effects.

Nitrosamines and aflatoxins can induce the occurrence or aggravation of digestive tract cancer. Experimental studies have shown that Hawthorn extract can not only block the synthesis of nitrosamines, but also inhibit the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin. Therefore, people at high risk of digestive tract cancer should eat hawthorn regularly. For those who already have cancer, if there is indigestion, hawthorn and rice can be accompanied by porridge for consumption. This will not only help digestion, but also help to fight cancer. effect.

2, cardiac, blood fat, lower blood pressure

Clinical studies have confirmed that hawthorn can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride, effectively prevent atherosclerosis; hawthorn can also improve myocardial contractility, increase cardiac output, expansion of coronary blood vessels, increase coronary blood flow, reduce myocardial consumption Oxygen levels play a role in strengthening the heart and preventing angina. In addition, the total flavonoids in hawthorn have the effect of dilating blood vessels and sustaining decompression. Therefore, patients with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and coronary heart disease may take 15 to 30 grams of Hawthorn per day, and decoct it on behalf of the tea.

3, treatment of dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation

Chinese medicine believes that Hawthorn has the effect of promoting blood circulation and stasis, and it is a good food for patients with blood stasis type dysmenorrhea. Blood stasis type dysmenorrhea patients usually manifested as abdominal pain from the first to the second day or the first 1 to 2 days before the menstrual blood discharge, the pain gradually reduced or disappeared, and the menstrual blood dark, accompanied by blood clots. The patient may take a complete amount of fresh kernels with 1,000 grams of fresh hawthorn. After washing, add the appropriate amount of water. Cook over low heat and cook until the cornfields are overcooked. Add 250 grams of brown sugar and cook for 10 minutes until it becomes a thin paste. Take the first 3 to 5 days to start taking, daily morning and evening, each meal Hawthorn mud 30 ml until 3 days after the stop taking, this is a course of treatment, and even served 3 courses can be effective. This method is also suitable for menstrual irregularities, TCM syndrome is blood stasis.