Acid tomato processing technology

It is well known that tomatoes eat more mature red tomatoes, while immature green tomatoes cannot be eaten directly because of their taste and taste. Processing is the best way to add value and preserve value. The following describes a green tomato processing technology. First, the main raw materials 1, raw materials: 50 kilograms of green tomatoes without pests and diseases as raw materials. 2. Excipients: 750 grams of red chili powder, horseradish, celery, 812 grams of garlic, 62 grams of cloves, 620 grams of Soviet herbs, 3 kg of salt, 250 grams of sodium benzoate, 1.5 kg of fruit vinegar. Second, the production process: selection of materials → cleaning → drilling → with spices, salt water → equipment altar → sealing altar mouth → refining → bottling → packaging. Third, the operating points 1, the choice of materials, cleaning: Select immature green tomatoes, washed with water, Lek to the water. 2. Drilling: Place the tomato on a wooden board and beat it with a hand-held eye-drill. Each tomato has a number of holes, requiring each eye to penetrate. The purpose of drilling is to make the soup into the tomato and it is easy to sink. 3, with spices, brine: crude sour tomato spice recipe, for every 50 kg of tomato with red pepper powder, horseradish, celery, each 375 grams, 280 grams of garlic, clove powder 31 grams, 310 grams of Soviet herbs in the container Mix evenly and make spices for use. Every 50 kilograms of green tomato water 15 kilograms, 1.5 kilograms of salt, 125 grams of sodium benzoate, with a good mix into the pot and boil, that is, salt water. 4. Altar: Put the green tomato into the altar, and mix a layer of tomato with a layer of spices until it fills the altar, then fill the altar with salt water. 5, closed the altar mouth: In the altar mouth cover 2 layers of oiled paper, tied with a rope, and then paste the cement on the paper to adjust the yellow sand, and then sealed. The closure of the altar is best done within 2 hours after adding the juice, otherwise the tomatoes in the altar will begin to ferment and acid gas will spill out and be lost. The mouth of the altar must be sealed and not air-permeable. After the closure of the fermentation period, the altar must not be opened. In order to prevent excessive fermentation, the soup must be changed after a certain period of time after the fermentation period. 6. Refining: The spice and brine formula used for the refined sour tomato is the same as the crude sour tomato, except that no garlic head is used, and 1.5 kg of vinegar and water are added. First, put water, salt, and sodium benzoate into the pot, put the spices in a cloth bag, boil for about half an hour, then filter, and then mix in fruit vinegar. The production process is: to open the mouth of the raw sour tomato, so that the tomatoes in the original soup to wash away the attached spices; then cut the tomato into a 1.5-centimeter wafer, fill the soup after filling the bottle, tighten the cap. 7. Packaging: For the convenience of transportation, it shall be packed in wooden boxes or cartons after passing inspection. Fourth, product standards. Finished sour tomatoes are bright, crisp, spicy and savory, fruity, and clear and transparent. China Agricultural Network Editor

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