Autumn rape seedlings are less harmful

Before the winter, weed seedlings are small and have poor drug resistance. This is due to the fact that weeds in wheat fields have 2 peaks of weeding, and the amount of unearthed weeds before wedging accounts for more than 80% of the total amount of weeds. Therefore, the traditional spring medication habits are changed, and pre-winter removal is the most effective way to control weeds in wheat fields. Best practice.

I. Rape field addition

1. Chemical extermination before planting. Before 3-5 days of transplanting rapeseed, mu 20% paraquat 200ml, watering 50 kg spray to eliminate weeds on the ground.

2, stem and leaf treatment

(1) Fields dominated by grassy weeds: 50-70 ml per mu with 5% high efficiency or 80-100 ml with 5% odd. (2) Broad-leaved grass-based plots: 30% of mu is good and 45-50 ml or 17.5% of oil is 90-120 ml.

The above formula watered more than 25 kilograms and sprayed at the 3-5 leaf stage of weeds when the temperature was higher than 10°C.

Second, remove wheat

1. In order to see fields like acacia and wild oats that are mainly grasses and weeds, after sowing, the seedlings in front of the seedlings are stabilized with 20% (ethidium) 150-200g or 50% isopropylate 125-200g or 50g. % acetochlor (extract seedless wheat or field water should not be used) 70 ml EC, water 50 kg spray. In the 3-5 leaf stage of weeds, uniform spray should be performed with 10% of new glutinous rice or 7.5% of Weixin Microemulsion 50-80ml or 6.9% of humic acid micro-emulsion 50-60ml diluted with 50kg of water per acre.

2. Fields dominated by broad-leafed grass, after 3 leaves of wheat seedlings, weeds before the 4 leaf stage with 10% Benzene 10-20 grams or 40% Pentium 5 grams or 50% Maizhuang 50-70 grams Or +20% to get rid of 20 ml of water spray 25 kg.

3, single and double cotyledons weeds mixed fields, acres with 50% cumene wettable powder 120-180 grams and other 50 kg evenly sprayed.

Third, pay attention to matters

1. Adhere to three conditions for the safe and efficient use of herbicides: high soil moisture, small grass age, and sufficient dose.

2. It is forbidden to use herbicides containing amine benzoxilon in rape fields.

3, when dispensing, must use 2 dilution method, it is strictly prohibited to use the medicine directly into the spray.

4, choose sunny and windless weather, the temperature is about 10 °C, the best effect of spraying, less than 6 °C do not use drugs.

5, after the application of pesticides should be promptly and thoroughly cleaned, so as not to cause injury to other crops.

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