How to Spray Ethephon in Cotton Field

Years of production practice have proved that the correct application of ethephon in cotton fields not only allows cotton bolls to boil 7-10 days in advance, but also increases production by 6.4%-10.2%, increases mu for 26-40 yuan, and is also conducive to the sowing of crops such as wheat and other crops. Grow. However, if it is used improperly, it will not only increase production, but will result in reduced production and income. To achieve correct use, the following points must be strictly controlled: 1. Choose a site suitable for spraying. It is necessary to select the cotton fields that are greedy green, late-maturing, late-onset, intercropping, and summer sowing cotton for spraying. It is not appropriate to use cotton fields that have normal growth and development and have a tendency to premature aging. If sprayed, it will inevitably cause premature decay of cotton, leading to a reduction in yield. For the breeding of cotton varieties, they cannot be used. If spraying, the germination rate of cotton seeds will be reduced. 2, choose a good spraying period. More than 80% of the cotton fields that are required to be sprayed on the plot are suitable for 40-45 days. The effectiveness of ethephon ripening is closely related to the time and temperature of spraying. Ethylene can be decomposed and released when the daily maximum temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius after ethephon injection, and better ripening effect is received; if the daily maximum temperature is low At 20 degrees Celsius, the spraying effect is poor. Therefore, the spraying time should be 20 days before the dry season, to ensure that the maximum daily temperature of about 15 days after spraying is above 20 degrees Celsius. The specific time of spraying: general years, Huanghuaihai region should be around October 5. 3, master the spraying method and dosage. To select sunny, windless or breezy sunny days from 9 am to 3 pm spray. The preparation concentration and dosage of ethephon should be determined with the temperature. When the temperature is higher, the concentration should be diluted and the dosage should be less. On the contrary, the concentration should be high and the dosage should be increased appropriately. In the Huang-Huai-Hai area, in early October, 100 ml of mu was used. In the first half of October, the amount of mu was 150 ml. After adding 50-60 kg of fresh water, dilute it evenly, and use sprayer to evenly spray the boll on the cotton plant from top to bottom. , so that each cotton boll that has reached the standard of spraying is stained with liquid medicine. If it rains within 6 hours after spraying, it needs to be re-sprayed. In addition, we must pay attention to three points: First, ethephon is an acidic pesticide, and the alkaline substance is ineffective. Therefore, it cannot be used in combination with alkaline pesticides. The second is to spray boll cotton bolls before spraying to avoid reducing the quality of cotton after spraying. The third is that the ethephon liquid is strong acid, which has a strong stimulatory effect on the human body. Pay attention to safety protection when working. If the skin is stained with liquid medicine, rinse it with soap and water in time.