September citrus cultivation farm essentials

Soil and Fertilizer Water Management Appropriately control the amount of fertilizer in autumn, especially nitrogen fertilizer, that is, use less nitrogen fertilizer, apply phosphate fertilizer, increase potassium fertilizer, and repeatedly spray calcium fertilizer to help improve the quality of fruit and reduce cracking and floating skin. The young trees will stop fertilizing; for the orange groves with multiple fruits and general soil fertility, they can be supplemented with fertilizers that enhance the growth of autumn shoots and compensate for the large amount of nutrients consumed during fruit enlargement. Orangery can choose to use potassium chloride. As the citrus fruit continues to expand, the amount of water required is large, and irrigation should be performed promptly when drought occurs. At the same time, it can be covered with tree-covered biological cover or film to reduce the impact of drought on fruit quality.

Fruit Management September was the peak of cracking of navel oranges, Yuhuan pomelo, and other varieties, and continued to adopt comprehensive measures to prevent cracking and reduce the incidence of cracking. Special early-season sweet oranges were selected according to fruit quality and coloring conditions. Continuation of management in August, spraying 2% calcium carbonate once every 20-30 days or spraying twice a week with 1% concentration to reduce the occurrence of floating skin. Continue to pay attention to the results of too much orange tree fruit thinning, sparse fruit and malformed fruit, pests and diseases.

Pest control In September, the second peak of Red Spiders occurred. Pay close attention to pests and timely control. Use 95% oil emulsion (or dying insecticide, green geranium) 150 to 200 times, 20% double Hyperthyroidism EC 1000 ~ 1500 times liquid; in late September began to spray 0.3 ~ 0.4 degrees lime sulfur agent 1 ~ 2 times, in order to facilitate pest control and fruit coloring. During the fruit growing period, it is prone to citrus anthracnose after heavy rainstorm and early fruit ripening, which will reduce the storage performance of the citrus fruit, and will cause pre-harvest fruit drop in severe cases. It can spray 0.5% equal Bordeaux mixture or 75% chlorothalonil wettability. Powder 800 times or 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 800 times or 50% carbendazim WP 600 times.

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