Can pregnant women drink green bean soup?

Can pregnant women drink green bean soup?

Although pregnant women can drink mung bean soup, not all pregnant women are suitable to drink mung bean soup. Because mung bean is cool, it is best not to drink mung bean soup in the first three months of pregnancy. At this time, drinking mung bean soup will affect the development of the fetus. After three months, the development of the fetus has gradually stabilized. At this time, you can drink mung bean soup, but you can't drink it without restraint. Pregnant women drink too much and make your body become overcast, especially when pregnant women are physically weak. It is important to note that when pregnant women have gastrointestinal weakness, limb weakness, systemic chills, lumbar and leg pain, diarrhea, etc. should be fasting mung bean soup.


The benefits of pregnant women to drink mung bean soup in moderation

Hot weather

In summer, pregnant women can use green bean soup to relieve summer heat, because green beans are sweet and cold and have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching heat and quenching thirst, and reducing water swelling. But remember not to eat beans when you drink mung bean soup, only light drink broth (cooking time not too long, raw green beans boiled with cold water, stir cook for 56 minutes can be) can achieve good results .

2. Promote the growth and development of the fetus

Mungbean has higher nutritional value, and its calcium is 7 times that of chicken. Iron is 4.5 times that of chicken. Phosphorus is also more than chicken. And green beans contain essential amino acids - lysine. It is an important raw material for the synthesis of protein, which can increase the utilization of the protein and thus increase appetite and digestion. Can promote development, increase intelligence, long height, increase weight, it is known as nutritional amino acids. These have a certain role in promoting and maintaining the body's life development and various physiological functions. According to relevant experiments, mung bean has a significant effect on treating atherosclerosis, reducing cholesterol in the blood, and protecting the liver.

3. Detoxification

Traditional medicine believes that mung bean is sweet and cold, non-toxic, and has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching heat, quenching thirst, improving water loss, removing eyesight, and rejuvenating skin. For pregnant women, drinking mung bean soup can not only reduce the risk of fire but also eliminate fetal poisons. Therefore, drinking food or drug poisoning can also play a role in eliminating toxins from the body. At the same time also has the effect of diuretic gas, help to solve constipation during pregnancy.

Cosmetic Grade Chemcial

Natural Field cosmetics raw material extracted from plants contain highly-pure and standardized active substances. They are mainly used to improve skin and hair health and appearance. The strong ingredients are: 5-Aminolevulinic acid, Idebenone, Chlorogenic acid, Polydatin. Etc.
Cosmetics are natural, synthetic or extracted various effects of different substances as raw materials, heating, stirring and emulsification and other production processes from the chemical mixture. It is a compound mixture of various raw materials after reasonable mixing and processing. The raw materials of cosmetics are various in variety and performance. According to the properties and USES of cosmetic materials, they can be divided into two categories: matrix materials and auxiliary materials.
The former is a kind of main raw material of cosmetics, which occupies a large proportion in the cosmetics formula and plays a major role in the cosmetics. The latter plays a role in shaping, stabilizing, or imparting color, fragrance, and other properties to cosmetics, which are not used in large amounts in cosmetic formulations but are extremely important.

Skin Whitening,anti-aging,arbutin,kojic acid,fullerenes

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