Eat this four course in winter

When the heat comes, the eyes of a scorpion catch fire, mouth ulcers, and dry stools. What should I do? Zhang Jun, chief physician of the Department of Nutrition of the People's Liberation Army 309 Hospital, issued a four-word diet prescription: drop, clear, moist, and make up.

Fire Reduced Soup - Winter Melon with Laver

Many families love to make tomato and cucumber soup. In fact, the best soup in winter is melon soup. I remember adding shrimp and seaweed. These two are from the ocean, and they are good for reducing calcium and reducing heat. When we talk about eating pears, many people are very tangled. When a pear is eaten half, it will diarrhea. Zhang Hao introduced that for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, the best practice is rock candy pear water, which can both protect the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the risk of fire.


Qing Lung dishes: radish can eat two

Zhang Jian most admires radish, the favorite, green, high-spirited Wei radish. She joked that if you can't remember which radish is the best, go to the market to buy the cheapest radish, Wei Qing radish is often two dollars to buy a bunch. Wei Qing radishes laxatives and warms the stomach, stimulates bowel movements, and adds special flavors when eating soup. The thick white radish of the arm is suitable for two to eat, and can be sliced ​​as a fruit, and can also be added with rock sugar to steam and eat. Eat radish a week, Shun Qi, lungs, purge.

Runzao Fang: sesame oil for external use plus oral administration

In addition to sesame oil commonly used in cold dishes, Zhang Hao also introduced a moisturizing coup for external use. Heating the nose to dry, especially those who travel from the south to the north, love nosebleeds. At this time, you can use the eye drops bottle to decorate the sesame oil. Before going down the plane, squeeze a little sesame oil from the small bottle into the cotton swab. Apply a little bit from the inside to the outside of the nasal cavity to ensure the comfort of the nasal cavity. If you feel that your throat is dry every day you wake up, you can also swallow 10 ml of sesame oil before going to bed and let the sesame oil coat the throat. If you want to be comfortable, you can take a small spoonful of sesame oil and lie down to swallow.

Spleen and stomach: white fungus and white lentil porridge

Often steamed yam to eat, it is best to the thickness of the finger rod yam, especially the spleen and stomach Deficiency, easy to diarrhea, eat yam can diarrhea. In addition, white lentils and white fungus also have a tonic effect. They can be put into porridge and boiled. This works best. Tremella also has a small prescription for external use, that is, the degree of boiled pimple, wiped on the heel, can prevent chapped.

Zhang Hao reminded that food is no faster than medicine and no medicine. If you want food to be effective, you must choose the right foods, eat the right methods, and persist for enough time to be effective. Especially for those with chronic diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to these three points.