What can be fed to speed up the broiler

The slaughter of broilers can improve the feeding efficiency as early as possible. The rearing households can feed the diets with a reasonable nutritional ratio and add appropriate additives to speed up the slaughter of broilers and increase the efficiency. The following seven methods are for reference:

Add fat chicken powder according to fennel powder 7%, cinnamon 50%, dry ginger powder 20%, cooked soybean powder 6%, licorice powder 9%, iron sulfate 8% dose formulated into fat chicken powder, each chicken per feed 0.5 to 1 g, add water to the feed and feed it once every 2 days.

The addition of methionine added 5 grams of methionine to 5 kg of chicken feed and a small amount of vitamins to feed the chicken, making it faster.

Adding 2% Ai powder to the broiler diet can increase daily weight gain by 10% to 20%.

Feeding cooked corn meal 200 grams of cooked corn flour per day is given to each chicken, which is fed in the morning, noon, and afternoon. It is better to add some cabbage leaves.

Three days after feeding, the multi-enzyme method chicks were fed with 0.04% multi-enzyme tablets (grain and mix) and fed for 2 weeks.

The method of feeding sterile fly maggots uses distillers grains as raw material to produce fresh maggots for feeding broilers. Each 500 g of fresh fly maggots can make broilers gain weight of 0.9 to 1 kg.

The protein content of the dry matter in the feed mash is as high as 70%, and the wolfberry can be processed into a powder and fed after mixing with the feed to promote broiler weight gain.

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