Is Organic Food Better?

First, let's define organic food. It is food produced (grown, stored, processed, packaged and shipped) with the avoidance of most synthetic chemical inputs (such as pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers, food additives, and more); with no genetically modified foods organisms; no irradiation; and no use of sewage, rejected food, or other unpalatable products not fit for consumption. Organic gardening and farming methods produce healthy foods. Additionally, organic food must use farm land that has been free from chemicals for a number of years (often, three or more) and that has been tested to prove 'clean' soil. So we are convinced that organic food is better, healthier and tastier than non organic food. Of those three attributes, the most important - from an environmental perspective - is the healthier attribute.And what is healthier for our environment is also healthier for humans, animals, vegetation, and the planet. The benefits of organic food are numerous. To provide some balance: there are some cons of organic foods. For the most part, organic foods will cost more to produce,And, without the synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, organic fruit and vegetables may look more blemished but have much more flavor and taste. You need that flavor and taste when you cook, freeze, can or 'put food by', and eat your home grown food. Our Organic superfood including now, and will be have more in the near future. Organic Goji Berry Organic Goji Juice Organic Goji Juice Concentrate Organic Goji Powder Organic Sea Buckthorn Juice Organic Sea Buckthorn Berry Organic Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil Organic Spirulina Powder Organic Matcha Powder Organic Tea Powder