What are the taboos of winter tonic?

Winter Tonic Taboo 1: No Diseases In good health, to prevent the disease, indiscriminately adding too much fat and high calorie foods in the diet will increase the cholesterol level in the blood and cause cardiovascular disease. Winter Tonic Taboo 2: No Difference Chinese medicine believes that those who are imaginary fill it up. Non-defective patients should not abuse the tonic. Xu Zheng has yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency, and blood deficiency. Symptomically, medication can be used to replenish the body. Otherwise, it will be counterproductive and harm the body. The chilly people are chilly and hot, hands and feet are not warm, the mouth is light and phlegmatic, the stools are loose, the urine is long, and the pale tongue and veins are fine. Those who are overheated have hot hands and feet, dry mouth, bitter taste, bad breath, dry stools, short urine, red tongue and pulse. If you don't use cold or hot tonic, it will lead to worse symptoms of cold and heat. Winter Tonic Taboo 3: More is Better Eating any nourishing food must be modest, or it may be detrimental to health. If you take too much ginseng supplements, you can cause abdominal distension without thinking of a diet. If you eat a large amount of hot supplements, it may lead to excessive internal fire and sores on the tongue. Winter Tonic Taboo 4: Pure meat tonic Animal food is undoubtedly a good agent in supplements, but meat is not easy to digest and absorb. If you take a long time serving, many services will disturb the gastrointestinal function, causing indigestion. Diet does not pay attention to meat and vegetarian dishes, too much meat may lead to nutritional imbalance or excessive intake of fat, causing cardiovascular disease. Winter tonic taboo 5: only eat without regard to row Tonic the body may ingest excessive fat. Excessive food in the diet, acid and toxic substances produced after metabolism need to be promptly discharged. If you only care for dietary supplements, and do not pay attention to the discharge of waste, the toxins stay in the stomach for too long and have great health damage. Winter tonic taboo 6: often fill the same Tonics, according to their own tastes, choose to eat a single food or identify a tonic food, often serving Jiufu, may make the body nutritional imbalance, in the long run, is detrimental to health. Winter Tonic Taboo 7: The More Expensive Invigorating body-selected high-priced foods, such as bird's nest, shark's fin, and other high-grade supplements, may not be able to achieve the benefits of nourishing the body. Some inexpensive vegetables also have nourishing effects on the body, so don't use topping up with high tea. Diet therapy should be “prescribed for remedy,” blindly choosing expensive foods may cause “a state of trouble” and cannot achieve the purpose of nourishing the body.