Summer spinach cultivation techniques

First, protection measures are hot and rainy in summer, and viral diseases occur more severely, and spinach is not tolerant to high temperatures. Measures such as shade and shelter from rain should be adopted during cultivation. One is to use a greenhouse or arch shed with old membranes not yet removed. Cover the greenhouse film with a 2 m wide net and a light transmission rate of 60% to 70%. Cover a frame to reduce the height of the shed. temperature. The second is stamping insect nets. The locusts and the planthoppers are the vectors that transmit viral diseases. The use of insect nets to prevent these virus vectors from entering the greenhouses is one of the main technologies for planting spinach in summer. Before the planting, 60 to 70 mesh insect nets can be placed around the shed or on the south side of the greenhouse. This will not affect the ventilation, but it will also securely block the transmission of virus vectors into the greenhouse. Second, the selection of heat-resistant varieties generally used in the Netherlands will be a long time the company's production of k4, k5, k6, k7 and Novartis production Shengbi front, these varieties are generally able to withstand the high temperature of 34 °C to k7 best performance. Sowing time is from May to September. Third, ridging cultivation practices have proved that the cultivation of spinach in summer is most afraid of moisture, in the cultivation of stalks easy to get stalk rot, while the ridge cultivation of the base of the leaves well ventilated, less likely to get sick. Generally every 50 cm from a ridge, 2 rows per ridge, every 5 cm point 1 hole, each seed sowing 2 seeds, about 1 kg per acre species. Fourth, fertilizer and water use spinach hi hi fertile, alkaline, high humus soil content, so when the cultivation of organic fertilizer. Generally, 1,000 kg of chicken manure per acre and 2 kg of boron-magnesium micro fertilizer are applied. Potassium nitrate fertilizer is best used for top dressing, and each topdressing 15 kg. When pouring water, pay attention to dry watering and plunge after pouring. Fifth, pest control summer spinach prone to strain rot, anthrax, etc., available Dasheng m45, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl and other liquids, spray once every 7 days, in advance prevention. When preventing virus diseases, attention should be paid to exterminating insects to prevent the spread of insects. We must also do a good job of shading, preventing rain, and preventing soil from drying up, and increase the use of organic fertilizers, potash fertilizers, and trace fertilizers. Spraying the diseased disease and virus a every 7 days to prevent the occurrence of viral diseases. Insect pests mainly include Liriomyza sativae, aphids, aphids, etc. They can be sprayed with locusts and sprayed once every 7 days. 6. Harvest When spinach grows to 20 to 30 cm in height, it must be harvested in time. In summer, the temperature is high, and spinach is not resistant to high temperatures. It is bad to say that it is bad.

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