Black tea and green tea which is good for weight loss

Tea contains polyphenols, catechins, caffeine, vitamin C, etc., can inhibit fat and carbohydrate absorption, and help fat decomposition and combustion. Continuous drinking can help develop a body that is not fat.

After the tea leaves are extracted, they are contacted with oxygen in the air to carry out enzyme oxidation, which is called “fermentation”, while green tea skips this operation and directly kills the clove to make tea.

Green tea retains most of its nutrients, especially catechins that help burn fat, because it has not been fermented.

Green Tea's Weight Loss Magic 1: Catechin Helps Calvary

Excluding the effect of caffeine, catechins in tea can also promote metabolism and continue to help fat metabolism.

Catechins are a type of tannin and are a source of green tea's astringency.

In fact, whether green tea or black tea contains catechins, it is currently considered that unfermented green tea has a higher percentage of catechins in tea.

Catechin can enhance heat production, promote fat oxidation and 24 hours heat loss rate, stimulate lipolysis and inhibit the activity of pancreatic lipolytic enzyme.

Drinking a cup of green tea after a meal can prevent the rapid rise of blood sugar and reduce the secretion of hormones that help fat accumulation.

Green Tea's Weight Loss Magic 2: Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

The effect of tannic acid in green tea on blood pressure lowering is obvious. It not only suppresses the rise in blood pressure, but also lowers blood pressure.

Some studies have also pointed out that tannins can exclude excess cholesterol in the blood, and that the rate of arteriosclerosis can be controlled within a minimum limit. It is also helpful for the prevention of cerebral blood stasis and myocardial infarction.


When to drink: drink after meals to help with cellulite.

How to drink: The water temperature should not be too high when you brew, but do not drink ice, you want to lose weight, but not sugar or other ingredients.

Adding Tips: With plums, sesame, and salt, you can increase the health benefits of green tea.

High-temperature brewing loss nutrients: Green tea is more easily oxidized than other teas, and its shelf life is relatively shorter. It should be consumed as soon as possible after you buy it home, or it can be stored in the refrigerator.

As the high temperature will also destroy the healthy ingredients, so the water temperature should not be too high when self-brewing, the tea brewing water temperature is about 80 °C, green tea powder brewing water temperature can be about 60 °C.

Injury should not be fasting to drink on the stomach: green tea is cool and contains caffeine. If the concentration is higher, the caffeine content will also increase. Therefore, you should avoid drinking under fasting conditions to avoid stomach injury.

To avoid insomnia, try not to drink before bedtime.

For those who do not love coffee, but want to use caffeine to lose weight, black tea is an excellent alternative!

If measured in terms of capacity, the caffeine content of coffee is much higher than that of black tea, but if measured in terms of weight, the caffeine content of black tea leaves is twice that of coffee beans, and black tea contains also theaflavins, which can warm the body. To promote metabolism, it is worth a try.

Black Tea's Weight Loss Magic 1: Caffeine Boosts Fat Burning Power

Black tea contains caffeine, which breaks down fat, breaks down accumulated body fat into the blood, and doubles the fat burning power during exercise.

Caffeine also has a diuretic effect, stimulates the kidneys, dilates blood vessels, increases water metabolism, and drains excess water and old waste.

Caffeine can also activate the secretion of gastric juice to promote digestion, but people with a bad stomach should be careful not to overdose!

Black Tea Weight Loss Magic 2: Ginger Black Tea Helps Metabolism

Black tea contains theaflavin, which warms the body, while Gingerol contains Gingerol and turns into Shogaol when warmed. It also has a warming effect.

Ginger's skin is peeled, grinded into ginger mash, and added together with black tea, can increase the effect of burning fat.

Edible ginger can also ingest dietary fiber to improve constipation.

For women, the most enjoyable thing is that ginger can also adjust the cold constitution, even if it does not lose weight, for health, may wish to try. As soon as you get up in the morning, soak your cup of hot black tea, add a little ginger, you can warm the body, improve metabolism, increase the weight of one day!


When to drink: Drinking in the morning can warm the body and increase metabolism.

How to drink: 1 cup a day, people with bad stomach should be careful about the amount of drinking.

Tips for extra points: Drink with ginger or ginger, slimming better.

People with weak gastrointestinal diarrhea do not drink too much: compared with green tea, black tea undergoes a fermentation process. After the original catechins are oxidized, they are converted to theaflavin and theaflavins, which have a good preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases and black tea. The taste of sweetness is warm, and the burden on the stomach is not that great, but the tea is still irritating and should be consumed in moderation.

Hot and dry body amount of drinking: ginger, black tea is a warm food, so you can warm the body, due to hot summer days, it should not drink too much, people with hot body, but also moderate drinking.