Against the disease prevention ginger dead tree

At present, the production of Pythium root rot, stem rot, and bacterial wilt are the major diseases causing dead ginger trees. However, the author's interview with the countryside found that many friends of Jiangnong did not prevent and cure the disease, and as a result, the best time for prevention and control was delayed, resulting in the spread of disease and the spread of the disease.

In a word, the continuous cropping of plots, ginger seedlings, partial application of nitrogenous fertilizers, and unequal watering have “intensified” the occurrence of dead ginger trees. It is recommended that Jiangnong friends start from improving the above conditions to comprehensively prevent root diseases and reduce dead trees. At the same time, in production, it is necessary to identify the symptoms of dead trees caused by dead ginger, so as to provide effective protection against disease prevention and treatment.

Ginger root rot, caused by Pythium. Ginger stalk rot, commonly known as the "rotten neck" disease, is caused by a combination of Pythium-based infection. The ginger blight, also known as ginger scab, is a bacterial disease.

In the production, Jiangnongyi confused the root rot of Pythium with bacterial wilt, because both of them also caused the blade tip to yellow, the plant withered, and the underground part discolored, softened, and rotted. However, careful observation revealed that the tip of the root rot of Pythium was yellowed and chlorotic at the onset of root rot, mostly starting from the lower leaf and spreading from the bottom to the top, whereas the bacterial wilt often turned green and yellow from the top to bottom tips. In addition, when the humidity is high, it can be observed that the base of the stem and the underground ginger block are long "white hairs," while the latter can be pulled out by pulling it gently with a hand. The white bacterium is very clear and the odor is more pungent. In addition, when the stem rot was infested, water-soaked spots of varying sizes appeared at the base of the ginger stems. Afterwards, they spread out from the outside and rotted, and from the bottom up, there appeared dry-yellow leaves, and the plants were lodging-like.

According to the different pathogens, the control agents used were different. Pythium root rot and stem rot can be treated with 50% chlorobromoisocyanurate 1000 times for rooting, with irrigation twice, once every 5 days, with good control effect. For the control of ginger borer, streptomycin, mesobacillin, mettilazole, Garrinone, and Wangtong can be used.

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