Combined use short-horned cattle

Famous beef or dairy cattle and cattle breeds. Native to the United Kingdom. In the 18th century, it was improved by local cattle and began to be used for meat. Since the amount of lactation was also high, part of it was used for both dairy and dairy purposes. Coat more dark red or red white flowers. The corners are short or no angle, the neck is short, the skin is well developed, and the body is wide and plump, with strong physique, early maturity and fatness. The combined adult bull weighs about 1,000 kg and the cow has 600-750 kg. With an annual output of 3000-4000 kg of milk, the fat percentage is about 3.9%. Widely distributed around the world. Meat weight is larger, milk yield is lower, meat quality is good, and slaughter rate can reach 65%-72%.

Shorthorn cattle

Origin and distribution:

Shorthorn cattle are native to Durham, York and other places in England. They are mainly distributed in the short-horned cattle farm of Bahrain Right Banner in Uda League of Zhaodeida League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Haijinshan Breeding Farm of Wengniute Banner, and Aru. The moral ranch of Horqin Banner; the river bank ranch of Wulanchabu League; the Daheihe Dairy Farm of Hohhot and other places.

Appearance characteristics:

The coat is curled, most of it is purple, followed by red and white flowers, and shaggy hair is less individual and white.
Most of them have angles. The angled outstretched bends slightly inwards and varies in size.
The cow is fine, the bull's head is short and wide, and the neck is thick and short.
Chest wide and deep, well-developed crotch.
Moderate breast development, nipple distribution is more uniform, biased towards both milk and meat type, docile temperament.

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