Why laying hens cannot enter the peak of egg production

Egg-laying chickens are bred, but in the production of laying hens, it is often encountered that a group of laying hens cannot enter the peak of egg production. At the same time, the laying period is short and the economic efficiency is poor. Now briefly analyze the reasons for feeding management:

1. Breeding density is too high

Due to the constraints of funds, venues, etc., or the intensive pursuit of feeding scales by breeders, the density of brooding and rearing of growers is generally high. The brood density in the first week is generally 30 per square meter, and the actual high doubling ratio is double. It is generally even 2-3 times higher. Some households from the chicken into the cage on the cage the same density, early can not be grouped on time, 6-week-old body size, weight is difficult to achieve the standard, a direct impact on brooding, bred chicken quality.

In years of laying hens' production practice, it has been profoundly realized that the stocking density is the primary factor that limits the production performance of laying hens.

Bad ventilation

In early brooding, the doors and windows are tightly closed to keep warm. As the density increases, secretions and excretions increase. The use of powdered materials, feathers and dander are shed. The air in the house is extremely dirty and the chicks grow. In such an environment, tears, sneezing, arthritis, etc. can easily occur, which seriously affect the quality of chickens in growth and development.

3. Poor chicken uniformity

Due to the severe shortage of effective space for brooding, the number of barrels and drinking fountains in the early days could not be large. With the continuous increase of chicken age, the development of the chicken's physique, the chicken can only be divided into several rounds of feeding and drinking water in the case of no increase in barrels and drinking fountains, and the number and quality of feed intake per bird varies. , resulting in poor uniformity of the flock.

Different epidemic prevention measures, different lighting systems and other factors also contributed to the poor uniformity of the entire chicken house, which ultimately contributed to the lack of peak production.

4. Different batches of chicken polyculture

Individual farms (households), in the same chicken house into different age groups of chickens, due to different feeding and management, different disease prevention and control measures, different lighting systems and other factors, resulting in the entire chicken house chicken laying rate is biased low.

5. Preproduction maturation and sexual maturation are not synchronized

Generally divided into two cases, one is the uniformity less than 80%, the coefficient of variation is more than 10%, the average weight is lower than the standard lower limit, the egg age is relatively early, the egg production rate rises for a long time, manifested as The peak of egg production does not go up, the peak duration is short, the weight of eggs is light, and the death elimination rate is high.

The other is that the uniformity is less than 80%, the coefficient of variation is above 10%, the average weight is higher than the upper limit of the standard, the egg age is late, the consumption of material in the whole period increases, the ratio of material to egg is high, and the economic benefit is low.

6. Insufficient light stability or intensity during production

Practice has shown that laying hens can provide 14-15 hours of light per day to meet the peak demand for egg production. Due to other factors influencing factors, 16-hour lighting is now generally used. Be sure to switch the light on time when you fill the light, otherwise it will disturb the response of the layer of chicken to light stimulation. The electric light should be installed at a height of 1.8-2 meters from the ground. The distance between the lamp and the lamp is equal. A 40 watt light bulb should only be gradually extended for supplementary lighting. When entering the peak period, the light should be relatively stable and the intensity should be suitable.

7. Unreasonable arrangement of peak egg production

The egg laying peak period is about 25-35 weeks old, and the egg production rate can reach 90% or more. During this period, the egg breeder's egg production physiological function is the most vigorous. It is necessary to effectively use this valuable period if the chicks are bred in early spring. The peak of egg production during the summer is in the summer. Due to the hot weather, the chicken feed intake is reduced. Most of the chicken farms are not effective in controlling the heatstroke, or although there are certain measures, it is difficult to reach the optimum temperature during the chicken production period. In addition, due to the hot weather, the need for artificial cooling or cooling with a wet curtain, so that the humidity within the house increased, E. coli suitable for growth and reproduction, the chicken susceptible to E. coli disease, which also can lead to difficulty in laying a layer of eggs .

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