Scientists discover lionfish in the "Zero Life" waters

On October 16th, Beijing time, according to British daily e-mail news, scientists recently discovered a new fish species in a sea area that is totally unfit for fish and is almost “zero life”.

This new species of lionfish lives in a sea area about 7 kilometers deep and is located in the trenches at the junction of Peru and Chile in the southeast Pacific Ocean. The fish is about 10 inches long and has a body shape like a dragonfly. It has a big head, tiny eyes and a unique pelvic fin, making it fully adaptable to cold, immense water pressure. Scientists also found swarms of salmon and giant crustaceans in this trench.

This team of scientists took part in a three-week scientific expedition, during which they used deep-sea imaging technology to take 6,000 photographs between 4,500 meters and 8,000 meters on the sea floor.

As the HADEEP project, this is the seventh time that they have undertaken such an expedition. The HADEEP project was funded by the New Zealand National Institute of Water Resources and Meteorology, and was formed by the participation of the Ocean University of Aberdeen University and the Ocean University of Tokyo University. Cooperation projects.

Dr. Alan Jamison, who led the expedition, said that this discovery will provide scientists with deep insight into deep-sea exploration and research. “Our exploration was inspired by the discovery of new species in the deep trenches in 2008 and 2009. To explore and verify whether each of these trenches has its own unique fish species, we repeated The scientific expedition was carried out in the trenches of the Atlantic Ocean at the junction of Peru and Chile," said Dr. Alan. "And this time a new breed of lionfish, which is sent 7 kilometers deep in the deep sea, is unheard of and unheard of to mankind."

This lionfish is distributed in the vast sea area from the Arctic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean and has about 200 species. Their teeth are small and blunt, but they have extremely developed head-feeling pores. This type of fish has long spans ranging from 5 cm in length to 77 cm in length.

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